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watching the days go by....

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The weekend schedule

Visitation will be this Saturday from 4-8pm. Another visitation at the United Methodist Church on Sunday from 1:30 until the funeral services at 2:30 followed by the internment at the Tanglewood Cemetary. There will be a full military honor guard with 21-gun salute and flag folding. He was a Korean War vet. :plane:   We need an icon with the American flag in it!



Death in Family...

Well, as they say, March is the cruelest month. Today , just a little bit earlier this evening, my much beloved father-law passed away from a heart attack. My husband will not have fond memories of this time of the month as my stroke occurred last year around this same time (Friday is the exact day). Do not know any details yet - am only writing this now because Daniel(hubby) just called and this Board and all of you are my closest familyand friends so I'm letting you know. All the kind soul




Saturday early morning, I helped with our local hospital's healthfair where we got to se up a booth for stroke, although it was mostly my local stroke support group I did get out lots of info to folks about StrokeNet - you can see in the second picture the brochures and some of our printables - and I had our bracelets in the goldish tin in front. We almost ran out of material there were so many people! It was great to know that we got out a lot of info. It was sort of embarrassing though :bl




I've read all your postings and given it a lot of thought.   She may have had her reasons for doing what she did - oh heck with it.... she had her reasons because the same abuse and inapropriate relationship from her stepfather happened to her to - so I guess when it happened to me she just figured that was the way things went. But I escaped when I was 12 by switching custody and going to live with my Dad and my Stepmom- who has been more of a mother to me than she could have ever dreame o



Okay - I guess strokes do run in my family....

Just found out from my brother Heath that our mother has had two major strokes and that her pancreas has shut down so she is now a Type I diabetic. ( I have not spoken to her in four years -long story short - she didn't like the life choices I was making and issued an ultimatum - stay around where she was or go on and move with my job transfer to FL and take the man I was dating at the time with me) I don't respond well to ultimatums , what child does? So I left and she cut me out of her life



Thanks again....

I do feel better and I always feel safe here. Life is getting back to normal - Thank goodness! Those first few days home from the hospital are always a doozy :yucky:   Feeling really pretty good now - and since I have projects to do from Jean and Steve, no longer bored and feeling useless :party:   Wish this weather would make up it's mind - it was gorgeous and warm eaterday, now i;s cold and rainy - I am sooooo ready for spring :forgive_me?: and a little gardening - LOL :pullup:



Thanks for your patience with me

Thanks ladies - I appreciate it and your patience,   Jean - I am blowing off steam here so that I don't blow up at them - sorry - sometimes I use you all as my sounding board to see if I am really out of my head. It always helps to hear from my friends here - because you always show me a side that I hadn't even thought of. I did forget how disrupting it must have been for them, more proof than I needed I guess that I was missed by my two most important people - it was just so disappointing no



Release of some pent up emotions

Caution - strong emotions posted here - but I have to get it all out somehow.   I'm home from the hospital nut from the way mu husband managed things while I was gone , I 'd like to go back to the subacute unit to get some more rest! He did the best he could but Jesu! there are stacks of things everywhere, waiting for my attention - I'm walking through a minefield of stacks that I don't know which on to start first....   I started with the bill pile or what he said was the bill pile - act



Small seizures

WEll, I am tonsil, adenoid, and uvula free now :head_hurts: but it seems that the trauma of surgery may have induced some small seizure activity which I've had to be hospitalized for - got a lovely ride to the ER, was admitted to ICU and then transferred to the "Stroke Center Hospital" for our area to make sure I hadn't suffered another stroke. Scary but, in the end, nice as they did act fast and had me on an EEG fastas well as all the other lovely monitors. I've added pill #14 to the dail



Things have calmed down

For now anyway. He understands why I was upset and has promised not to do that agin - he knos I don't care if he has female friends, I have male friends, nut that emotional cheating is infidelity just as much as the physical is - hurts just as much with the betrayal and sick twisting in your stomach. We are going to counseling - that has helped - and he's finaly listening to me about not disappearring into the TV and he can finally see that the financial end of things is finally turning around



Still dealing with the emotional aftereffects

Okay - the big blow-up happened, where my communication skills -or lack thereof- since the stroke have really screwed with my head and now have distorted my view of my marriage - which was perfectly fine until I threw it into a crisis mode late last week. I'm an idiot. I hate stroke and I hate the effects of strokes and the absolutely bloody long-ass time it takes to recover to some semblance of normal. I really hate life right now - enough to continue to tink of ways to mostly easily slip these



Surgery date is set

Surgery looks to be on Feb. 5th - hopefully only overnight if no bleeding problems or other issues - I'll have my hubby post an update..... I can't wait! That probably sounds terrible, to want surgery but it will get me off of about 7 - yes, SEVEN medications that I take to get me through the throat hurts so bad and these antibiotics are doing vile things to my digestive system....then the decongestant makes things too dry, so on comes the humidifier, then congested again - the



Surgery is looming on the horizon

The ENT did not have good news - or at least not immediate good news - will have to have major sinus and throat surgery in order to breathe better at night and to allow my new machine to assist me in that endeavor. He's redoing sinus issues that I had worked on about 3 years ag - apparently the surgeon cleaned everything out but did not correc my deviated septum, nor did he take out the source of the original tumor! So - I get another tBENIGN tumor removed - infection cleaned out - my septum



Back from a little unexpected break

Hello, helo, hello - Hope everyone's holidas werew wonderful and that Santa was good to you or that at least your special someone's were able to get you something lovely.I was immeasurably spoiled and I know it. I couldn't talk much during the holidays as I was so sick. I think I'm over it for the most part now but I still have to go back to see the ENT guy. I haven't been in much of a verbose mood lately anyway. Something's turned back on in my head and I'm thinking so much more than I h



Still sick

OK - Itt's actually brochitis with a sinus infection now - I get to go have my sinuses CTscanned on Monday - yay! Tired and not being able to sleep even after the hot toddies with a little beam in them. Still sick Has given me lots of time to think and write in my journal - the really good stuff goes in my journal - have given up the ghost for a reconcilition with a former friend of mine. It all boils down to control. Her wanting to have it over my life and my recovery, and my ability - a



9th Note: New SECDEF

Hi,       Well, I am disappointed in the election results. But the good news is that we have a new Secretary of Defense. Rumsfeld was an OK guy, probably brilliant, but he didn



8th note: Traffic Acciden

Hi,       Well, the big news this week is that I was riding in the back seat of one of our armored SUVs when there was a traffic accident that totaled the SUV. Thankfully no one was injured seriously, just a couple of bruises. What happened is that we were driving along as the second vehicle in a convoy. The lead vehicle honked and passed this Toyota driven by an afghan. The afghan got out of the way of the first vehicle then started drifting back toward the center of the road. Our dri



All Hallow's Eve - Happy New Year!

Peace and many blessings to you all on Samhain - Happy New Year!! This is the traditional new year for the Irish and those who follow the path of the Goddess (or Lord and Lady, if you will) :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: :holloween: OK - I have to admit - I'm a bit disappointed All that work :type: - I did my 100 things list an



OK - This blew me away....

I found this great site - this is exactly what I needed. Here's a sample: FROM THE DIRECTOR OF GRIEF WATCH By Pat Schwiebert, R.N.   What does time have to do with grief?   Everything.   Just consider how, in



100 things you probably don't know about me

Okay, probably more information than anybody wants to know, but.....................   1. I am very stubborn at times but I know when to give in gracefully too so I guess that is really persistence. 2. I can draw very well with pencil and finish off the product with chalks or oils fairly well] 3. I once won 3rd place in an art contest at my high school - my family was shocked. 4. I am a survivor of many things: childhood abuse, cancer (twice), endometrial dysplasia which led to



5th dispatch from my brother - interesting info!!!

Hi,   A relatively boring week. There must be something going on. We are right now in the third week of Ramadan, the insurgents would normally be building toward week 4 and Eid al Fidr, the night of a thousand prayers, when the fanatics believe their final prayers will be worth 1,000 times as much, making them 1,000 times as effective. But nothing is going on. Not that I am complaining, but the only things going on are paperwork.   So, I figured I would forward part of an email I se



A Little better every day

Had a pretty good dsy today - helped raise some money for my girl svouts - froze my butt off but it was worth it - basically stood in the middle of our four way intersection up town (out of the way of cars) and held out aa bucket to ask for people's spare change - we raised $171.23 in two hours!!!!! Now I can give scholarships to six girls who want to be in the troop but can'y afford the vest uniform and the handbook. The girls are all so excited this year - they feel very grown-up becaus



Better today - butr, boy is it chilly outside!!!!

More deep breaths - and was actually able to sleep with just my regular night-time meds :Clap-Hands:   I still can't watch it on the news , so am not watching it. How wierd that it was a Yankees pitcher who used to play for the Cincinnati Reds!!!! I wrote to my brother Heath about it - he is an experienced licensed pilot as well - wanted to get his take on it, if he had even heard about it over there.   Otherwise am enjoying the sunshine today - it's chilly out here!!! BRRRRRRRRRRR

