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winter blahs



For all of you in the northern hemisphere think of this as March, wet, drizzly, high winds, grey skies, people battling across car parks with the rain on their glasses, wet hair dripping down the back of their necks. Okay, that is picture of our day. Blahhhhh!


I got up slow today. There are days when I don't want to get out of bed and face the day. Then a friend rang and requested help. Her smoke alarm was going off. I held onto the phone while she turned every electrical appliance off. It still went on ringing. So I went down and helped her set up another one. That didn't ring so the fault was in the alarm itself. Her brother-in-law will come and attach the new one which wouldn't fit in the same spot (of course).


We seem to have had a series of bad news emails over the last few days. I open up my inbox hoping not to find anyone else's dear aunt, cousin or nearest and dearest has departed since they last contacted me. Okay, a lot of our friends have elderly parents and this is the time of the year when illness and death seem to be the rule rather than the exception. But even if you are expecting there to be bad news it doesn't make you feel any less sad when it comes. So that adds to the feeling that life is very blah at the moment.


I replied recently to a post about friends who leave you after strokes and find someone else to be friends with. Seven years on we still find people who were once enthusiastic supporters but after so long have given up on us and don't return our calls or contact much any more. That doesn't mean they were never our friends, but we can probably count them now as friends from the past. Not part of our present group. And that is sad. Some of them I really liked.


I know my troubles are mild compared to a lot of peoples. It is like complaining about a toothache when the person next to you is facing their leg being amputated. There may be bigger issues but each person has to learn to deal with their own issues and there are no "my problem is bigger than your problem" issues here. Just the daily grind of facing each day bravely and with a willingness to deal with each challenge as it arises.


Yesterday Ray had incontinence of both kinds. It was a fair old clean-up job and by the end of it I was ready to run away from home. I know it is not his fault, I try to smile and say :"No problem, pet." But some days the smile is more of a gag reflex. I know one day I will look back on this part of my life as "the good old days" but right now I am living through the moments and they are grey not gold.


So I have in mind that we need to go to twin beds now so Ray's problems can be addressed in a different way. I have resisted doing this on the grounds that this sharing a bed is symbolic to him of our being married. It is also our original marriage bed. Those of you who live with those values dear to the heart of the English and Europeans will probably understand that. It is a big deal to Ray.


So will the sun come out again? Of course it will. Next week we will go furniture shopping, find suitable beds and something nice in the way of sheets and quilts and pillows. Maybe go for Bonnie's Country look. And as usual count our blessings. Ray is still here, we are still together, Spring will come again.




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If you get twin beds and keep them only 2-3 inches apart, it works great and will seem almost the same as having a full size bed. But the abililty to change the bedding in one without doing the other is a huge advantage. Don's rehab therapies would not let him come home to a full sized bed because, she said, he would drift towards the middle and not be able to get back to the edge to transfer out with the use of his hand rail. So we have twins.



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Guest lwisman


I had to laugh when I read the first part of your blog Sue - about winter time blahs. I know what you mean. Here we are having summer time blahs. It's been very very hot. I have managed ok by staying mostly in the air conditioning. :big_grin: Then this morning I woke up at 4:15 to thunder, lightening and torrential rain. It has rained off and on all day (it is now 3:00 pm) and is overcast. Have needed lights inside most of the day. Really a blah day. The good news is that it is cooler today.


Hang in there Sue. Hope things look up for you soon.

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Hi Sue... sorry to hear of Ray's problem I know it's very hard on you to look afer him in such situations... they have a disposible pads that you can put in the bed so they can be thrown away .. we have very hot weather here in good old


just to cool you off ... It's 33 degrees C here today and every one is complaining that it's too hot , have to go out in the early morning or we will get sun stroke cause our bodies are not used to such heat ... won't complain cause it's only temporary.. and we will wish for some of those temps in another couple months.. take care and hang in there try and get some help with Ray or it will wear you out...I hope the sun shines soon as too many a gloomy days are depressing ..








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So, by all means get the twin beds as you are joined in the heart, and NOT the hips, so if you can care for him better, than do it -

You are to be :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: congratulated for the love and kindness you give you hubby - & know that sharing a bed at our age, or any age, does not mean you are married - ITS YOUR DEDICATION, LOYALTY AND LOVE TO THIS MAN, THAT MAKE YOU MARRIED FOR BETTER OR WORSE



June :cheer:

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June, you have totally missed the point of Sue's blog. there is something about sleeping in the same bed for many years that has such a great symbolic meaning to many people, even when they are no longer capable of a physical relationship, that when disability forces them to move to a twin bed, it feels like a little death-death of the spirit, death of the relationship, and a lttle bit closer to death in reality. that is sad beyond words. also "sharing a bed at our age? (Sue is 59, i'm 51, etc.)" what is wrong or bad with longing for sexual intimacy from one's husband in middle age? sue is a healthy woman, and perhaps she misses this part of her relationship with Ray. this is also very sad.



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