How long?
I know that I am a little punked out because of med mix-up (I forgot to take my Effexor & Aggrenox yesterday), but I have been wondering lately how long stroke related stuff will be on my mind. I want it gone. Now.
Ugh, it is still here, dangit!
I was talking to someone about my frustration that I am unable to do certain things. He sat thoughtfully for a moment, pulled out a notepad, and wrote "YOU HAD A STROKE" on it. I hated it. I don't want it anymore. I don't want to blame everything on it anymore. I'm tired of being tired and feeling guilty for wanting to rest, relax, or sleep. It almost pushes me to the point of anger - at the stroke, at the situation, at myself, etc.
Yeah, this can be construed as a pity party & I truly apologize if that is what is being conveyed. I seem to be waiting for it to just go away already. I don't want to identify with it (the stroke) since I am at the far end of the continuum of looking more normal (but of course NOT normal) than being completely paralyzed & stroked out. Why can't I just be that extra step to normal than here? blast! :ranting: This in no way is simplifying or meant as an offense in any way, shape, or form to those who are on the opposite continuum - it is simply my burden right here and now.
In the same idea - if missing one day of meds makes me feel this way & I don't want to be on these meds for stinkin ever, will I feel like this again once I get off them (in Oct)? UGH!
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