Clarifications and Corrections
I have decided to make this blog entry for all valid corrections and/or clarifications of previous or future posts.
In order of recent valid complaints:
1) Clarification: In a post long ago and far away, I said that my advisor was compassionate, sometimes to a fault. What I meant by that is some people are very compassionate and others are willing to take advantage of that compassion. It was not meant in any way as a negative, only that some people are opportunistic in that regard.
2) Correction: Yesterday I posted in regard to my husband, Bob, "apparently I have plumped up too much for his taste." I posted this in jest because he has shown nothing but love no matter my weight & I was the one to actually sign us up for the walking/running program. I'm sorry that he took it personally & didn't see the humor (inside jokes don't come off as well in writing, I guess!).
More to come, I'm sure :blush:
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