Ch - Ch - Ch - Changes
I never thought that I would have enough to say three days in a row!
I got a call this morning that the doctor that will be performing the heart surgery will be out of town the week of Aug 25th (my original appointment) so the appointment had to be moved. She informed me that she rescheduled it to Aug 18th...NEXT WEEK!!
So - less time to freak out *but* moving freak-out anxiety sooner too.
I am nervous, worried (one possible risk is stroke - argh, I don't want another one), scared, mad that I have to do it at all and regret that I didn't take care of this 2 stinkin years ago.
Anyway, in other news - Bob & I both went to the walk/run program last night. I actually walked/ran for 1 1/2 miles :Clap-Hands: I alternate pretty evenly so I probably ran for 3/4 mile and walked for 3/4 mile. I can't believe how out of shape I got in only 9 months of being more sedentary than not. whew!
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