Two steps forward, 1 step back
I feel so down today. So does Patrick. While gathering ourselves to leave OT and go to Speech, Patrick had another mini-seizure. It only lasted two or three seconds, but it was what it was. He was sitting on the mat and just slowly slumped over on his side. I was sitting in a chair next to him in the direction he slumped, so I was able to catch him before he fell completely over. No sooner had I started to upright him than he came out of it, unaware what had just happened. He felt fine, so we decided to go on to speech.
He had another seizure in the middle of July, and the doctors had upped his trileptal dosage. This seizure occurred in speech therapy and lasted 1-2 minutes. It was quite a bigger than the one he had today. We had hoped that we were getting his seizures under control...
This is a big blow to Patrick. His biggest goal besides his speech is to be able to drive again. With each seizure, he sees that goal slip away a bit more. And everytime he sees the finish line move further away, I see his motovation deminish. His motovation is what has allowed him to recover to the level he is at now. Just today in speech, the therapist went over his re-test results, and it showed a very marked improvement from where he started two months ago. He isn't thinking about that though. He is sitting on the couch, dazing (and dozing) off, the knowledge that he had a seizure hanging in the air. It's the pink elephant in the room.
Another accomplishment for Patrick is that he was taken off the coumedin a week or so ago. When we met our new neurologist when we moved here, we decided to do the tests again to look for DVTs, heart problems, and any coagulation issues. While we were waiting for all the results to come in, Patrick had that last seizure. We called his neuro, but he was on vacation. When he got back to town, we alerted him to the seizure to see if he needed to see us (we of course had already told his family doc) and he decided he wanted us to come in. It was during this visit regarding the seizure that he also gave us the good news of NO MORE COUMEDIN!
Patrick had really been feeling like things were moving his way. Now this. Again. URGH! I know life isn't suppose to be easy. I just wish we were dealing a little bit more with the life-obstacles most people our age were facing, not always Patrick's health.
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