Are Husbands suppose to have opinions?
I love him, don't get me wrong. But I have been secretly contemplating on ways I could kill him. Okay, kill is a bit strong. Mame would work...
We are in the process of getting OUR first house. Overall this has been allot of fun, looking at what is on the market, and finding out what our tastes are, what our needs are, and what out wants are. It has been a challenging process, as Patrick and I have different ideas on what will work for us. Thankfully though, we have found our "perfect house" and the ball is in motion to make it ours. We are not anticipating any challenges as far as getting the house is concerned. But we seemed to hit a brick wall at................................... the interior decor. You heard right. The freakin decorating. And isn't it funny that a man with aphasia has no problem in telling me that he doesn't like anything I like...
We are not getting new furniture or making any other major purchases for the new house (with the exception of a washer and dryer- we couldn't move ours when we came out here). We ARE looking forward to painting the walls though as we have always lived in rentals aka WHITE WALLS. This house has NO painted walls right now, and we both agree that we will paint probably every room. Hey- we can always repaint it white if we want! The funny thing is, we can even agree on wall color for the most least in theory.
So we decided on a muted brown mustard color possibly for the living room (except everytime we are in a non-coffee house place with this color walls, it never seems to be the shade he likes). We go to coffee shops fairly often, and you see the colors of soft, dark, yellow, greens, purples, and tara cotta together accented by black metal accessories etc. We both like the relaxing colors and contemporary atmosphere of the coffee shops. So where is our problem? ACCESSORIES. OMG. We can not agree on something as stupid as a throw pillow.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Throw pillows are made to be changed out when you get bored! They are cheap! they have no function but to look nice! We could buy or make different pillows and switch them out every week! Every day! U G H!
But I show him pillows or artwork for the walls..."No." "No." "No." Okay then, "Will you please show me ANYTHING you DO like?" "Dali." "You want to put Salvidor Dali on the walls?" "Yes." So we look at Dali prints.
Okay, I like Dali. But the more I am looking at them, the more I am thinking, I DO NOT want these creepy, long legged elephants staring at me everyday after work!" For me, the wall decor needs to match the mood and color scheme you want to create. For Patrick, it needs to be ART, and it doesn't matter the color. If you like it, put it up.
What else did he find that he liked? A $75 dollar vase at a furniture store. Okay, I am not against paying that for a piece of artwork. BUT, this is some mass-produced vase that is only charging that much because it is in a discount furniture store. And because Patrick is in love it, I think he is discriminating on everything else I show him because it doesn't go with the vase!!!
We bought our first print the other day, and I asked him at least five times if he liked it. "Yes." Are you sure? "Yes." We are in the check outline paying for it, and he says, "Bedroom?" NO, NOT THE BEDROOM THE LIVING ROOM. Are you kidding me? Have you been thinking this was for the bedroom the whole time??? " room." Well thank goodness! Whew, close one....until last night when he says, "Not living room. Yuck. Bedroom-okay." Guess I will be returning the print next week.
I am trying so hard to please both our tastes, and not take over the decorating of the house (t is OUR house) and he seems to have genuine concern over the decor. But he better start compromising soon too, or I am gonna kick him in the shins.
Why can't I have a normal husband who just says, "Yes, dear!" over this kind of stuff! White walls, he we come.
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