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Busy Week



So we have had a pretty busy week so far. Mike had therapy on Tuesday, I had numerous things to get done on Wednesday, and he had a neurologist appointment today and he'll have therapy again tomorrow.


The neurologist appointment went well. We discussed the continued spasticity in both of Mikes arms and two of his fingers on his left hand. It was decided that we would go to another physical medicine doctor for an evaluation for botox injections to see if we can do that coupled with more stretching and splinting. We hope this will work. We have been trying to stretch his arms and his fingers but it is so painful for him that he never really lets me stretch them very much. We also discussed the posibility of switching outpatient therapy to the Rehab Institute of St. Louis if we can get the motion sickness under control. I'm starting to feel like we need a more comprehensive rehab. I started worrying when I was talking to our OT about botox injections and if she thought it might be beneficial and she said she didn't know much about them. I think that is because the place that we're going to now really has more patients that are in need of therapy because of surgery or pain but not because of neorological problems. Right now its just something to think about. We love Mikes therapists there have really done well with him but I wonder if we were working with people who primarily work with stroke patients if it would be more beneficial for Mike. I want him to have the best recovery possible.


We also decided to take Mike off of two medications. The neurologist feels that the least amount of medications is best and he feels that some of the medicine that Mike takes currently are not needed any more.


Tomorrow is Mike's 36th birthday, we are having a small get together here at our house on Saturday. I'll be reminding myself all day to not get stressed out. I've always been that way about dinner party's though. I love to go to them but don't like throwing them myself, but once everyone is here and dinner is served I settle down and don't feel so nervous then. I'm trying to focus on how exited he is this year, that keeps my mind off of last year at this time. Sometimes I can't help to think about a year ago when he was so sick and then of course the anniversary of the day is coming up. I hope that on the 10th I actually forget its the 10th. I've been known to do that. One year I forgot my own birthday until my Mom called me that day, I just simply forgot that that day was the 28th. I hope I just sail through the day without even thinking about everything that happened a year ago. We'll see how that goes.




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Tina...anniversaries always carry mixed blessings. On the one hand, it is a memory of something that was devastating yet on the other hand, think of how far he has come in a year! Focus on the positives and the day will be a celebration!


From your entry I can see you are near St. Louis...I am in Edwardsville, IL, right across the mighty Mississippi. Are you in Illinois or Missouri?


As for comprehensive care...I don't have first hand experience with this sort of stuff but if the Rehab Institute has the experience with stroke patients then that could be beneficial, even one year post stroke. I know Jane is at Spaulding Institute in Massachusetts which is one of the best for stroke rehab so I feel confident they are really focusing on her needs.

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Wish Mike Happy Birthday from me, you guys will have great party together. I know I fret over throwing party too, but important thing is gettng together and enjoying each other's company, and when you are enjoying food becomes least important, so you will do just fine. I agree with Robyn, anniversaries specially stroke anniversary are both joyous and sad occurance, though it makes you realise how far you had come.




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We are actually from Alton, Illinois. Not far from Edwardsville. So of course the largest hospitals are in St. Louis. Sometimes I wish we lived in St. Louis, but at least we're close enough to be able to get his doctors there. Hopefully we will be able to eventually go to therapy there too. His motion sickness does seem to be getting better so hopefully it will be a posibility in the future.



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Oh gosh...there's nothing in Alton...or Edwardsville for that matter. Barnes-Jewish in St.L. is a wonderful resource so I hope they can help. They're highly ranked for neurology too which is great. That was my concern bring Jane here...I wasn't sure there'd be good resources in Edwardsville but I figured there would be in St.L. Good to know there are resources in case things change in the future.


Since we are so close -- 15 minutes-ish, if I can be of any support, let me know!!! :hug:

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