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Day 21...Baby Steps...



Another pretty good day with the kids. Sam hit Margaret at some point this morning but a swift time out and some talking afterwards and that situation was resolved. They played well the rest of the day, other than the typical bickering that happens among siblings. We had Group Violin lessons today and afterwards had lunch and then went bowling at the student union on campus. I'm STUNNED at how cheap it is...$1.25/person for shoes and then $2.00/game...regardless of the number of people. I know from past experience that Sam doesn't do well with more than 1 game so we played just one game, the lanes were basically empty, and it was $5.75 for some afternoon entertainment. Back east it would've been a $30 day between food and bowling...I LOVE the midwest! Margaret beat me...of course she bounced off the bumpers much of the time but she had a good game otherwise. I couldn't get a rhythm with the ball because I couldn't find a 10 lb ball with the holes big enough for my fingers...ah well. I'm not a great bowler, but I have fun. Typically I can break 100...I've had as high as 140-ish, but not today!! :hahaha:


The kids made a playhouse in my bedroom is basically the basement family room so it is pretty spacious, even filled with my furniture and stuff. Now they are watching cartoons hanging out in their little cubby space. This enabled me to do my own personal work today on the computer...scanning material and getting lectures ready for Monday...while still hanging together.


Tomorrow we are going to meet a new friend and her son at the zoo. I'm looking forward to getting out and meeting some new folks. It'll be nice. She and her girlfriend recently broke up so it'll be nice to lean a bit on each other!


I got a call from a friend who said she brought someone over to see my house back east. The woman seemed interested in it so we'll see if it will sell...I can ONLY hope!!! Keep your fingers and toes crossed!!!


Even though I've been better about navigating the highs and lows lately, today I struggled getting out of a low. I felt some despair I guess because I was mindful 3 weeks had passed since I last spoke with Jane...she said we'd talk in a month but who knows what that means...will it be next Saturday on the nose? Probably not so I'm trying not to count on it. Perhaps because the time is coming closer I am also steeling myself for the worst case scenario. I still have faith...overall I am OK...but I'm still cautious... I finally sat at dinner and was able to push it aside...reminding myself that I won't know anything until we talk...and that it has ONLY been 7 weeks since the stroke so this isn't going to happen overnight. Flooded myself with the positive memories of the last 3 years and even the time I spent with her in the rehab hospital. Still breathing...still hopeful...still hanging in there...


...Taking baby steps...




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Hey chica - just checking in on you - sounds like things are on a bit ore of an even keel - see, the blogging has heped :Clap-Hands:

Anyway, kust wanted to say hello and love ya and all that good stuff....

I've had a really bad week, vry tired so I haven't really ualked to anybody lately, apologies...

Have a good one! :big_grin:

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