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It's all about me



:huh: :Tantrum: My stroke was March 12,2006

I was healthy,happyand non of my docters expected it.I thought I would experience cancer long before ythis illnss.It caught me off gard and I have no defence because there is no frontline to fight,/I am battling alone in the dark.I have an amazing husband who is incredibly supportive,Great kids who try not to complainwhen asked to do so mucand a multitude of friends who have rallied to hold me up along the way.I am blessed but find it difficult to appreciate it because I have lost the person I used to be and I rather liked her


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You will like the person you are now, from our few times in chat together I certainly do.


Sometimes in a new situation we have to put aside the old information in our brain and take on new information. Ray and I have both done this in the seven years since his major strokes. I have had to learn to do a lot of new things and he has had to learn to watch me do things badly without critising what I do.


I am glad your husband and family are supportive. Boost their efforts by giving them thanks and praise as they deserve it. You will adjust to your new "normal" or at least come to tolerate it.



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hi hopoirer:


welcome to our blog world, I stroked at 34, never thought I would, didn't even know what stroke means that time, hated newme for a year or so, though eventually in my acceptance journey, I have accpted newme and actually like her better than oldme, you are very lucky to have great supporting family, that makes life much more easier, I know it did it for me.


blogging has helped me immensely in my acceptance journey. hope to learn more about you through your blogs


Asha(mom of 9 year old boy)



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Hi Hpoirier,


You've got a "new you" to get to know. Be easy and gentle, look for the things you like in the new you and focus on them. It's hard not to look back at what you lost, but honestly it isn't very productive to stay there long. Appreciate that you are alive - and what you have, it could be worse.


It was the toughest time in my life, ever, grieving for a person who hadn't died. The practice of talking about or writting about my feelings that seemed so ugly and uncomfortable, really seemed to make them easier to deal with and eventually go away.


Take Care!



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I've found my teenage kids just accept the new me. It seems natural to them that mum can't talk much and is in a wheelchair. On the whole cos they are so accepting so am I of this new me. Think of the positives that come from stroke; for example I've met many people I wouldn't have met otherwise. Dunno if that helps you but has me.

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