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My fears



Hello all, watching the 9-11 tribute for the 5 yr. anniversary has had me in tears for those ppl who lost loved ones, and it has also stirred up raw emotion in me. I have fears. I fear the death of my daughter and husband. I honestly don't know if I could do it by myself, I get so much strength from them. Then I play a video in my mind of being a widow who is "disabled" and how well I could survive on my little Disability check.


Okay, I know I would put one foot in front of the other just like I did after my stroke, and have support from family and friends.


Is it silly to have an outline in your mind on what you might do in a situation like that? I'd pay off our house and any other debt we might have then. Live more frugally than we are now. My hubby keeps all our books in our house since he is the best one for that job. I could always relearn.


I shouldn't be concerned with something that hasn't happened, but the news has my brain going down that track with the 9-11 memorials.


I can't worry about things out of my control. I think I will go to the grocery store and pick up something to make tonight for dinner. And I am not buying any comfort foods.(even though I want too:)



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I think we all have thoughts like that from time to time. (Mine is the fear of being a bag lady with no money to live on fear.) The key is to not allow ourselves to dwell on our fears for long. A way to changes those kinds of thoughts around to make them more positive is to plan a Life List instead....a list of things you want to do to make your life better so that you get the most out of each day. Some of the kinds of things people put on Life Lists are: be a better friend, be a better listener, be a more loving parent, find humor every day, etc. Try it next time you feel overwhelmed with fear. It's helps you refocus on the here and now.



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Amy...your brain is naturally doing that as a protection mechanism. I'm glad you are aware that it is purely hypothetical. You can't go there right now because it isn't real. But you are strong...you'd do it if you had to because that is who you are!!! But don't let yourself get mired down in the "what ifs" because they take you out of THIS MOMENT, which is a joyful one that you have a husband and daughter who love you IMMENSELY! Rest in that joy.


My blog deals with a lot of my struggles to stay present and not worry about hypotheticals...exactly what you are talking about in your blog today. I welcome you to read through it...you may find my musings comforting.

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I loved Jean's idea of lifelist man she is good, we all have these kind of worries, the way I deal with them is by putting my burden on God, telling myself God will do what is best for meand my son, and he won't give me more than I could handle, and if he will then I m praying he will give me enough strength to raise my kido singlehandedly too, but next time I start worryting over those things I m planning to implement Jean's practical approach to life


go and give lot of hugs and kisses to Gabe and Mad today, since they are with you right now. enjoy them RIGHT NOW, I know u do, that's y u r my buddy




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