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"Lucky wives club"



So it is time to tell you all about the "lucky wives club". Many of you belong, and just haven't acknowledged it yet. You are nominated by another women usually in this way: "You're lucky, Rob is so...... and then she can fill in the blank with "nice", "talented", "funny", "good at doing things around the house". Any thing that another woman values in your husband.


So it was a few years ago, that I too realized I belong to the "lucky wives club". Lucky to be married to one of the nicest, friendliest guys in town. So nice, that he would take the shirt off my back, and give to you.


Mind you I'm not complaining, just acknowldging my status.


Rob made me plant hangers the other day, and they were sitting on the porch while I decided which of the eighteen corners on our buildings I was going to put them on. Guess I didn't get them permanently attached to the house fast enough, because he has already given one away. He loves women, all women, and all they need to do is admire something, and he gives it to them, it's theirs (even if it wasn't his to give away).


Any other women out there in the "lucky wives club"?




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Oh, yes, count me in the club. I can identify with 90% of what you're saying. I've heard the "you're so luck" for 35 years---he's so nice, compassionate, generous, smart, good-looking, talkive, sexy, etc., etc. The funny thing is that since the stroke the tables have turned and he's the one in the Lucky Spouse club. He hears "you're so luck" to have such a good woman/caregiver/wife etc., a lot. "She takes such good care of you."


In find the Lucky Wives and Lucky Husband's clubs kind of amusing because the people who say these things usually don't know us and our spouses as well as they think they do. (The phrase "behind every good man is a woman" applies in here some where, too.)



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Some how Jean.... I just suspected you had been nominated before Don's stroke.


I have a couple of really good friends, who we all know each others husbands well - and can truely appreciate when our husbands do something that wouldn't be admired by other women :) Which we can giggle about.


Yes, like Don, Rob was in the "Lucky husbands club" for quite a few months, and he did appreciate that. He now has enough independance and enough disability today - that I have to be extra careful not to get him voted into the "Husband of ungrateful wifes club".......



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I count myself in the Lucky Wives Club everyday. I was 51 years old when Bill and I met, and for the very first time in my life I found out what it was like to be loved just the way I was. I was "perfect" in his mind and eye. He still tells me that, and even though I know it's not true I love to hear the words.


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After my stroke now I get placed in lucky wives club regularly, and I know I m, before my stroke in my mind he was in lucky husband's club, now table is turned though:)



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Yesssirrreee sister, my friends ask me if he has a brother! All kidding aside, I know that I am very blessed to have a caring and helpful husband. It's been over a year now from my 2nd stroke, but my speech and cognitive skills are coming back faster than I ever imagined. Some things my husband started doing for me after my strokes he still does for or with me today (grocery shopping, cooking, etc.).


I no longer have the stamina I had before my stroke and feel like I've aged 10 years since last summer. But at least we are growing old together and he continues to bring love and laughter into my heart. I'm proud to be a member of the lucky wives club...he is my 2nd husband and I got what I was looking for the second time around.


Here's to lifetime membership in the Club :cocktail:


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