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Hi - I am still here



HI guys -


Jeez, seems like everytime I get on here there is some kind of crisis. But I was PM'd by a friend who had noticed I hadn't really participated so I thought I put a little something up.... Had a really bad day yesterday - was driving and forgot where I was going and how to get there - thank goodness for cell phones! (and that I was still in an area where I could get signal -we are way out in the boonies so that haven't gotten that far with cell towers being everywhere......I've actually been having some really , really bad days. I'm just so tired and unenthused about life - I am going to my counselor on Monday - I don't think my meds are working. I have tthis thought that maybe it'll end up that they'll hospitalize me for a bit just to give me a break and my loved ones a break too. I've been having stupid thoughts and more than enough pills to do things with.....but that is the reason that I keep a pictue of my gorgeous girl right where I can always see it - so no worries there.

I am just so tired, and so tired of being tiredm, and not being able to do what I normally like to do - I think I'm going to have to have someone come in to help with housework....I just can't do it alll.

But had a good night's sleep last night and ate and remembered to take my pills this morning.....and iI'm going back to bed to sleep for a bit.....Love and kisses to all.....No worries - as my DH tells me - everything will get better and things won't always be this way...... :(


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OH SWEETNESS!!!! :hug: Definitely see your doc...get some different meds. If you are tired and unenthused this is not normal...stroke or no stroke. Stupid thoughts are not normal too! I am REALLY worried about you...PLEASE take care of yourself. Email me or PM if you just want to unload. I am TOTALLY here for you!!!!!!


Please please...I care for you so much...PM me if you need me...!!!!

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You truely do have a gorgeous daughter and from the picture, I bet you looked just like her when you were her age.


I know things are going to turn around for you. You're an intelligence, interesting, caring and lovable person who just needs to do exactly what you've got on your date book. The right meds can make a world of difference plus talking out your feelings.


Some day when you're up to a challenge, I hope you'll blog about your military experiences---what made you decide to join, where all you were stationed, your job in the service and if how it helped (or didn't help) you become the strong person that I know you to be. (I have to be careful about challenging someone to blog a particular subject because in the past I gotten challenged back.)



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defintely see your doctor, if meds re not adjusted properly that might cause forfeeling anxiety. For me those meds plus faith on God help me through my dark days. I have come long way once again enjoying life and having so muxh to offer back to society. From my small window in your world, I can see you are very loving mother, sister, and great friend, so just hang in there, you know how tides are good tide will come 2, so when low tide comes just take deep breath, look at picture of your daugther and also keep that in mind that you survived your car crash for reason, and you are suppose to grow spiritually from this ordeal :D I m sorry I m being preach here, but I m telling you what worked for me honestly. good spiritual books, great friends on this site and loving family, and I know you have all of that. so chin up and keep on marching




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Mel -

I am a 20 year survivor and have 4 grown kids -

I understand tired, boredom, and once you get a regimen of the right medications, you will feel better, and you should know you have a precious-looking daughter -

Don't be so hard on yourself -

See your doctor, and start trying to enjoy life more

June :cheer: :2cents:

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