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100 things about me



1. I am woman, and I can roar! smile.gif

2. I am married, for now.

3. I am a mother of two.

4. I have pierced ears.

5. I hate tattoos on women.

6. I am a demacrat.

7. I am a liberal.

8. I am Pro-choice.

9. I don't believe in organized religion.

10.I used to sew quilts.

11.I once was very creative.

12. My dining room is painted a deep red.

13. My office is a deep hunter green.

14. I love bold colors.

15. I used to be very quiet and shy.

16. If you believe #15 I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

17.I still am friends with my friend from 5th grade.

18. I smoke, can't quit, love it and am addicted to smoking.

19.I believe in the death penalty.

20.I love my Petey the Pomeranian.

21. As a kid I was horse crazy.

22. I grew up on a farm

23. I used to milk a cow by hand.

24.I am left handed.

25.I love milk, drink it with everything.

26. I prefer Pepsi over coca cola

27. I hate the taste of beer.

28.I rarely wear jewelery.

29. I never wear make up

30.I like to sleep on my stomach.

31.I collect teddy bears

32. I collect antique crock bowls.

33. I love yellow ware.

34. I love to garden.

35. My favorite flower is Freesia.

36. My favorite garden flower is foxglove.

37. I like cottage country as my decorating style.

38. I once worked in the floral industry.

39. I am rarely a girly girl.

40. I can bait my own hook to go fishing.

41. I have always hated wearing dresses.

42. I hate liver or "organ meats"

43. I hate peas and most vegetables.

44.I don't get along with my real mother.

45.I have one older brother.

46. I am the baby in my family.

47.After the birth of each child, my foot grew a whole size.

48. I was a shoe fanatic once, couldn't pass a shoe store without buying a pair.

49.I cannot wear a watch. I kill them within hours.

50. I bite my nails.

51. I like all kinds of music, from alternative pop/rock to classic rock to Blues/Jazz

52.I love to read.

53. I used to devour smutty historical romances to the tune of one a day.

54.I have read every book Agatha Christie wrote.

55. My favorite childhood book is A Secret Garden.

56.My favorite color to wear these days is coral.

57. I used to wear purple or red alot.

58. I have brown eyes.

59. My hair is short and dark with a strip of gray resembling a skunk.

60. Outside of some body waves or perms, I don't do "stuff" to my hair.

61. I am a hippie who missed my generation.

62. I make a mean apple pie.

63. I used to love to cook.

64. I once bought into the whole american wife routine.

65. I'd rather drive a SUV then a car.

66. I've never owned a van.

67.I played catcher on softball in high school.

68. I was a cheerleader once for one season.

69. I was a partier in high school.

70. I was never a joiner.

71. I am an independent person.

72. Christmas was once my favorite holiday.

73. I rarely trust women.

74. I enjoy clever, witty original people.

75. I get bored easily.

76. I love humor in people.

77.I love Cadbury chocolate candy at this time of year.

78. I once had a pony.

79. I have 4 cats.

80. I have two dogs.

81. One day I'd like to live in Europe.

82. I'd love to visit Rome one day.

83. I let puppies lick my face.

84. My cat Stockings licks my nose every night before I go to sleep.

85. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons.

86. I love Zelda the Nintendo game.

87. I wish time travel were doable.

88. I am a thrill seeker.

89. I've wanted to parachute out of a plane for a few years now.

90. I'd love to take a hot air balloon ride.

91.My favorite stores to browse and shop are Peir One, Home Goods, Linens and Things.

92. I'd love to meet Christopher Lowell or John Mayer if I could meet two celebs.

93. I've seen Cats performed on Broadway three times before it closed.

94. I once babysat for the author Tom Wolf.

95. I've waited on Meryl Streep, Meatloaf, and Tattoo( can't think of his real name)

96. I was 12 when I lost my virginity.

97. I once was a wild chld.

98. I dislike phony people.

99. I always am bluntly honest.

100. My next husband will be an intellectual man.

Whew! I was cooking along till about 61 then it was a struggle. Glad that is done and over with. Gl;ad it is a list of 100 things, cause I was close to making stuff up.


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Hi Pam,


You're not going to believe this, but 38 of your things could have been or were on my list! Think we really are related.






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I enjoyed your 100 list, it made me think that I can try 2, I think I have 50 things common with you, maybe we are related too



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