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Life goes on



Well, here I am going back to therapy as a Medicare person. It will feel good not having to co-pay and it's a different rehab clinic. Same ole 1 hour sessions and routines. Hope I gain more strength however and the ability to use my left side a bit better than I can now. Medicare has a cap on the number of sessions you can have money wise, in my case 12. They are requesting 12 sessions in OT as well, hope it's approved.


On another note, I'm starting to profile drivers on the highway, that's not good. I find myself looking for older drivers, drivers with cell phone to their ear, to not get behind them. They are a pain for me. They slow down when the light is green, then speed up to run the red light. They drive in the left lane not passing and other cars have to pass them on the right, that's not good.


Seems like the older they are the longer it takes them to enter the freeway from the service road entry way. They do 30mph instead of speeding up to blend in with the flow of traffic. Maybe I'm having a bad day so I'll stop and go to work. Watch somebody mess up the rest of my day.


Atleast I'm now off the back page of the blogs and can just wait to see how long it takes before I'm right back on page two. Even my sense of humor is slowed down. Maybe next week will be better.


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Fred...I do the same thing with drivers and they irritate me as well!!


I hope you get the OT you need approved!


Keep blogging, my friend!

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Glad to hear you're getting back into therapy. I hope they can build your strength back up to what it was before.


I think driving irritates everybody. There's always somebody doing something. Drives me crazy, too.



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Fred, I hope you get more flexability with the PT, I know that has been a problem for you. When Ray has had sessions he has improved for a little while and sometimes that is enough. Of course if he would go on doing the exercises that would help too.


I find these days that I have to concentrate on my driving, it seems it is harder to do all you have to do on the roads with roadworks, school signs etc. It is certainly a challenge as you get older.


Try to keep on page one and keep away from those big hairy spiders on page three.



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