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What you see riding a scooter around Walmart



Well, I found out it only takes 5 days to reach page two in the blogs. Lots of bloggers, that's good news, more stress and venting being released by members. More journals being kept too.


Another phase of my life I now notice is my lack of fashions knowledge. I can think back to about 1962 when the mustang and mini skirts came out. The bell bottom pants and plat form shoes, then the micro mini skirts and short shorts in years gone by.


These days it's the underwear showing, men and women especially. The thongs, see thru clothing, hip hugger clothes worn with what looks like a lace baby doll top you'd wear to bed at night.


Anyway, I'm a greeter at the entryway, so I see them coming and going all day/night long from a waist high view on my scooter. The hotter the weather, the less they wear. I feel like a buyer sitting at the cat walk of a fashion show.


Coming in I see rings in ears, nose, around the eyes, tongue, lips, breast nipples, every finger, naval and some in crotches showing and rings on their toes with flip flops worn. Tattoos everywhere, big and small.


Then as I ride around the store getting to the restroom or time clock way in the back of the store, I see the rear ends almost bare, thongs, more Tattoos on tail bones and one on each cheek showing. It's no shame in their game.


Before the pools closed they came in the store wearing swim suits and see thru wraps. From my level of view it was like not wearing any clothes at all. I could see it ALL, trust me. Management said as long as they had clothes on see thru or not, and not nude, they can come in the store.


I guess there are many things we don't pay attention to until it stares us in the face. I think I see about as much as a GYN doctor on any given day. It's not just little people, the big ones and their kids too. You should see the clothes these parents let their young daughters wear in the store. Some as young as 10 with high heels, rings, Tattoos, and skimpy clothes like mom. My, my how times and clothes has changed from when I was young.


Still another area you can't help but notice is the number of people over weight as the news media has been broadcasting lately. Maybe it's just our life styles and eating habits for unhealthy foods. After all that's what got me where I was then according to the doctors. I'm happy to say I've lost back to my acceptable weight, but still on cholesterol pills. It's very hard to give up my BBQ ribs and soul food that I've eaten all my life.


A bacon cheeseburger, large fries, 2 apple pies and a diet coke just won't get the weight off very fast. Long as we have fast food chains, not enough time to eat healthy meals, heart problems and strokes will continue to be big killers for many people in this world. Even those who eat healthy, cancer seem to overtake them.


Well bloggers, that's just some of what I face each day doing my job. A birds eye view of the people who contribute to my salary every other week. What can I say? The view is legal and a part of my job. :scooter:



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Fred, I guess we're just getting old. Did our parents say the same things when there were the mini skirts, short shorts etc. I suppose so.


This is what makes your job enjoyable, and the time passes quickly, right? I used to love going to all the department stores at Christmas and see the decorstions. It made my day prettier. Now, it's more supermarkets- dull things.


You are right about fat people of all ages. I especially see this at all-you can eat buffets. I wonder- Are they fat because they eat here (most likely) or do they eat here because they are fat? Actually, I used to go every Saturday. My friend was a man in his 60's who ate there just about every day of the week. He did NOT

have the usual beer belly or love handles of many men his age (no, he wasn't particularly atheletic either) BUT he ate lots of veggies, soup (2 bowls which probably filled him up) and not much meat but some and just a bit od dessert. I ate like a pig, but only the once a week and I also ate loads of veggies but pigged out on the other stuff. My weight at that time wasn't bad - then the stroke and no real food for about a week; pretty good food for 2 weeks and so-so food for 4 weeks (warning- do not eat hot cereal in nursing homes LOL) That is where they sneak the laxatives - LOL. I didn't know it and never ate their cereal anyway. Then I came "home" and gained weight; have been trying to take it off sensibly, oh and my buffets are only several times a year.


You are right about people who are heavy getting heart atttacks and strokes but you said cancer gets some who aren't fat. My friend had glaucoma - was born with the condition and I found out that he lost his sight or most of it in the 3 years since I've seen him. So........what's the answer?

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your blog was hilarious, looks like you are never going to take a sick day from your work, so much entertainment and flesh you see, who needs hollywood.


BTW just correction, stroke can happen to anyone, I am vegatarian, never drank alcohol and not fat still got stroke, it was due to hole in my heart which allowed clot to go to brain.




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To add to what Asha said about health risks for strokes not always being true. I have a sister-in-law who weighs over 300 pounds. She is 75 or 76 and has never had a health issue of any kind except for her weight and a thyroid problem. Her doctor does blood work and can't find anything to treat! Her diet is awful and she doesn't exercise. If anyone is a walking time bomb it should be her yet her very skinny husband past away three years ago and other younger relatives like Don are the ones having the strokes in the family. Don's stroke was from an A-fib which tend to run in his family.



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that was the first thing I noticed when home and in a wheelchair - you see all the bottoms, and see more than we need to see -

Our society has not taken a turn for the best, just look at how some people dress - I guess the less, seems to be the best. Now, I am very average looking, but would never wear clothes that show my bottom - I had a stroke, but still have lots of pride

June :ranting:

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Fred, Ray and I noticed the same thing when we were selling raffle tickets last summer. But I guess we all have the right to dress to express our personality and some people don't have a


But seriously, it is a shame people have lost their modesty and children dressed in inappropriate clothes do present a changed moral outlook in our country too. Some eight year old girls could easily be mistaken for teenagers and it is their parents who buy their clothes. What a pity they have to grow up so fast.


Enjoy your job. Be as helpful and friendly as you can, some of the smiling faces hide a lot of pain.




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