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new pt!



hi everybody...on the second session with my new pt he had me walking down stairs one after the other as opposed to one at a time...i'm grateful to now have someone who can test me on what i can do that brings me closer to functional returns!...i was so happy that when i took the subway home i made it a point to walk down all those steps one after the other...stressing 'safety first' of course!...falling will do nothing to advance my recovery...i had a lot of considerations as my left leg is still fairly weak comparatively speaking but it was okay...it's another advancement on my journey!...i'm a little nervous about the chemical stress test i'm taking monday morning at my cardiologist's office...anyone have experience with this??...have a good weekend, richxxx


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I am happy for your continued improvements. i had done chemical stresstest last year, and it was pretty easy, you feel uncomfort tightness in chest maybe less than minute, taking deepbreath out helps relieve that pressure, and before you know it, test is over, so don't fret over it. BTW you reciprocating on staircase is very good thing, I for longest time felt strong going up, but coming down used to feel weak in ankel, but even that now is improving.




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Hi wow GREAT job. Just take your time.. I do better going up stairs than down.. some days I can go down stairs one after another and other days it's one stair at a time. I think a lot of mine is how my vision and balance are on a particular day.(and how many stairs).


Glad to hear of the continued improvement and .. as you say safety first.... falling is NOT fun and so far I haven't fallen down the stairs....which would be really scarey.


I haven't had a chemical stress test so no input there... I had a regular one, and the worst part was the girl was pretty agressive getting my skin prepared for the sticky leads. I had little abrasions after.


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Way to go Rich. Glad to hear you are working hard and it sounds like your new PT is motivating you!


Denny has a chemical stress test on Thursday. I'll let you know how that goes for him.

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