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Delayed excitement



So, the plan was for me to defend my dissertation on Friday, October 13, 2006 - my 11 month stroke-aversary and Friday the 13th!!


Scheduling conflicts at the last minute have now changed that - darn it! I am trying to set up the day but getting people to respond and let me know what works is taking FOREVER! I am anxious/excited/nervous but I think I am ready.


I am excited about this feeling too. I feel as though this has snapped me out of my fog. A coworker said that I seem more alert now and my advisor said that I seem 'crisp' now. That makes me feel great. Better than great - incredible. Now I just need to get it set up and rolling - waiting is the hardest part, right?





On a separate note, I was watching something on TV and, although I don't remember what it was, something that was said really struck a chord in me. There was some type of support group and one of the people said "when I was first diagnosed, so many people came to my side, called, talked, and supported me and I felt so loved. Now that time has passed, they have pulled away and it feels like they have taken that love with them."


A light went on over my head. I think that is why I have been so punky and down lately. It is an odd thing really. I didn't want anyone to treat me differently when I had the stroke, but they did. It was an amazing feeling to have people express their care. Now that so much time has passed, I am treated as 'normal' and I miss that feeling of being loved and valued.


Maybe I am just an attention lover :blush:

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I'm SOOO PSYCHED that you are feeling ready and crisp and excited about this process!!! That is so WONDERFUL!!! I'm THRILLED for you!


As for getting committees together...sigh...its like herding cats! Hang in there!


Loving and wanting the attention is only natural. There is SOME advantage though to being treated "normal"...just like one of the crowd again, you know?!!


But keep coming here...we'll treat ya special! :wub2:

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