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SOOO Tired



:( I am soo tired.. Guess I have also had a "reality check" I had been thinking maybe I could work some.. part time.


Well John's main employee Laurie is off on "family leave" It was quite sudden. Her step dad (who raised her) had cancer a few years ago, he is also a stroke survivor. He suddenly became ill again. The cancer has returned and has spread. Laurie has taken time off to take care of her dad, her sister flew out and is there also so they are able to take turns sleeping and acring for him. I have been going to John's shop trying to help out. (My husband John owns a copy shop.. he sells, services copy and fax machines, he also has a self service copy shop, color copy machines, does some printing from disks or USB memory sticks, etc. does Basic business cards and does Fed EX). So i have been going in being the front counter person..


I AM EXHAUSTED TODAY... We have a lady coming in part time to help, she is a friend of Lauries and she worked for us some this summer, mostly delivering flyers and going to businesses with our flyers.


She had some prior commintments so she has been working about 12 hours a week. The next few weeks she will be able to work more. Then she got new her father (sho has some dementia) has to go to Seattle for surgery sometime in the near future .. one carotid artery is 90% blocked and the other 70%....


Well the reality check is.. i am no where ready or capable of working steady. Today I could barely get my tongue to cooperate with my brain, and evcen doing math on a calculator was almost non existent.


John realized I was not with the "program" today. I really felt like a deer caught in the headlights.. so he was only out of the shop a couple times for very short periods and LUCKILY it was quiet this am and had some very understanding customers.. Jan got there at 12:30.. I arrived at about 10:30 as I started dinner in the corck pot this am.


I actually knew it was not going to be a GREAT day... for thinking ... I set all my clothes on the tub and I sit on the commode to get dressed... I had my socks and jeans, bra on and I was starting to put on my shoes... I happended to see my panties on the tub and wondered what in the heck they were doing ther????


OOPS..... so oof came the shoe and jeans.. well at least i didnt have both shoes on and tied. I got dressed again. got my stuff together, got in the car and down the drive about 15 feet then decided I should come back in and make sure I had turned off the pellet stove and coffe pot.... okay back to the car and in to town.....LOL at least I didnt miss my exit....


Laurie was so worried about losing her job. I called her Tuesday just to say HI and that we missed her.... and to assure her we would take care of things until she can come back. We have hired a college boy that is entering invoices and bookeeping stuff in the computer. I had asked him to try to work some extra hours while Laurie is off. I expected him at 10 am... he called at 11:45 he has step throat.....


I am thinking of sleeping mostg of the weekend..lol but i have 10 days of laundry to do also... YIKES..


I think this is full of typos.. but .... I am too tired to correct them.. going to bed.. Good Night



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LOL Bonnie, Indeed, welcome to the real world of strokers. Sorry, you know my sense of humor. I don't believe your Cimbalta could have gotten you through this- you'd have to overdose to the point of being knocked out........... :roflmao: When you get down to it, although we think we are doing great (certainly we are better than we were, we try to do a little more and the brain says, "no, no - this isn't for you..........I will decide when"


I find that I am unable to get up and go mornings. My sister who is my complete oposit can't understand this. We laugh and say I work 3rd shift. If I try to push it a little, I pay. I have always been a pm-er but since even my first simple stroke, I've been "slowed" up and now......well, I come home very late - sometimes closing the stores.


The worst part is it also takes time to even get back to the place where we were. I NEED the 2 day weekend and there are times when even 2 days does not help.


OK, a zillion loads of wash (I haven't heard that there is a family in Washington state who has been running around naked) will wait some. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. Don't try to do it all at once when the help arrives to help you. Take it easy and do a little each day. Yes, it will take longer this way but eventually you will get caught up.


My prescription: 2 loads, several hours complete rest. yes, in bed with perhaps a movie on tv (that usually puts me to sleep) , then after, slowly do your normal "duties" at home. Next day, same etc. It's the only way to go or you will wear yourself out again and again.


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Hi lady -

I agree- you need to slow down a bit and get some rest, take it easy or the symptoms will get worse and you'll pay for it worse than having to take four days to get laundry done, I know I have - hmmm, I think I remember somebody telling me this a while back - LOL I know - I give advice better than I take it ( and remember it!) too,most days......

Love ya! hope things slow down for you soon

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Bonnie - You are amazing! That is a lot of work for even a non-stroke survivor. I had to chuckle at the panties part. Today Denny was walking around and I saw something sticking out of the leg of his jeans. I walked over and grabbed it and it was his underwear. Some how in the dressing process, they got inside his jeans but not on his body! We both had a good giggle over that one.


Sleep well and pat yourself on the back for all that you have accomplished!

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