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and so it begins..........again



Today starts the first of many "widow weekends". Today it's to go feed the feeders, drink beer, set up camp, drink beer & BBQ, pull weeds, drink more beer. Hubby has been packed all week, as has my dad, ready to run out the door at 5:30 today to go do the "man thing". They're so funny about all this. My dad was scheduled to be here at 5:30 to pick up Joe and my son to drive 200+ miles to put out apples for the deer. I get home and Joe is practically standing on the street corner looking for my dad to come driving up. Dad gets here and they have to completely empty out the bed of the truck, load the 4-wheeler (which by the way, DH has been petting every day for the last 2 weeks), then load everything back in the truck. Doesn't this sound like a whole lotta work for apples?!? Then I get kisses and hugs from all around and they're off. I really do enjoy this time because it means I get the remote, I get the whole bed, it's just me and my daughter and the little one (who is already itching to become one of the guys!)


Now is the time of year that Thanksgiving and Christmas, if it weren't for the fact that these days have their day of the year (along with glaring looks from us wives) would be overlooked and cast aside. Our calendar is filled with the words "GOING TO LEASE" on almost every weekend between now and the new year. Pray for mercy on the wife who says yes to a b-day party that falls on one of these weekends. Have mercy on the child who has a concert or a game on one of these weekends. It's hunting season for goodness sakes!


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Don't you just wish you lived outside the city limits on a big ranch where the deer, hogs, turkeys, ducks and other animals like raccoons and armadillos roam free to be shot, no permits needed?? Don't forget the big catfish and bass ponds he made when you first bought the property.


We have those customers come in to walmarts every day buying deer corn, dog food, and wild bird seeds. Some of them use bow and arrows for deer and wild boar hunting on their property.

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That's our dream Fred, right after we win the lottery! He has it all planned out. The only thing I want is a saltwater pond because I don't care for fresh water fishing. They hunt pigs all year round. That's their reason to go up there during the off season. Turkeys too, but that's not as big of a deal as deer season! He wants me to go too, but I just don't have the heart.

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