wonderful family weekend
I can't believe how quiet it is, the cars are gone from the driveway, the fold-down bed is packed away, the sides are cleared of bottles, plasticware and food. The family have gone home. It has been a wonderful family weekend.
This is one of the last times our Sydney family will be here for any length of time, they came up to do the service at their old "home corps" this morning. They came up yesterday afternoon and we all had a BBQ dinner together early and then talked until late. The little ones were good, estatic to be together again. They raced around the place and drove each other into that state of over-excitement that results in tears and tantrums at bedtime.
The two brothers, the sister, the in-laws ate and talked, ate and talked. They were all so happy to be together. I think we are all so aware that this close proximity with Shirley and family is coming to an end as they are now going to Cairns the first week in January, and over the Christmas period time flies apace.
This morning even the unchurchy Trevor went to be a support group down the front as Shirley did the service and Craig gave the sermon. My theologically trained brain did pick something here and there that could have been improved but they are still in the "learners' class" and will improve with experience. I am not a "stage Mum" but would have prayed that something liike this would happen. And despite everything that has gone wrong in our lives it was worth coming to this day. And who can resist a Salvation Army band "oompa-paaing" with all it's might on a bright Sunday morning?
Ray was home which meant an extra load on me, but it was good to to enfold him back into the family again. He was quieter but followed all three of his older grandchildren's every move and was constantly remarking on how Alex, the baby, has grown. He is a proud Granpa, just doesn't have the words to express his love for them these days. And I am sure he is as loving towards them as he ever was.
The three younger grandchildren ended up in the Crying Room this morning, mainly to have a snooze (Alex) and play with the toys (Naomi and Tori) Christopher remained attached to the uncles he loves so much.I took my turn with trips to the toilets, to get a drink for one of them, a hanky for one of the others. That is what Granmas are for. And it is a delight to be able to do it too.
This afternoon after lunch we packed our gifts to them, much needed kitchenware, a "new" dinner set we had bought and never used, glassware, even some Tupperware, all will help to set them up to provide the hospitality expected of them as leaders of the new community they are going to. And it is nice to think of them eating off the plates and drinking from the glasses we have been able to provide. It is more blessed sometimes to give than to receive.
And now they are all gone, back home, back to work tomorrow. But what a joy it was to have them with us. We will be back together for their commisioning in a fortnight's time when they will become Captain Shirley and Captain Craig. And then we will spend some time together around Christmas and then who knows when? I like to think sometimes my glass is not just half full, it is running over, and this weekend has certainly been one of those times.
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