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New Year 2007



We all are looking forward to a happy new year. One that is better from a survivor's standpoint of getting better in our recovery process. In a lifetime, there is so much we encounter in our day to day lives where a happy new year just may be the lift we need to endure many more years. In my case I hope this year will be a happy one.


Since my stroke January 15th, 2004, I've lived every year in hopes of getting better day by day. For the most part, it hasn't been all bad, but a happy year is my wish where I can smile everyday and enjoy being alive. Communicating with all of you on this website has done great wonders and it keeps me from isolation with many interesting topics being discussed everyday. I read where so many of you are thankful you found this site and really enjoy being a member here.


Going places with our kids and grand kids, getting "out" the house/nursing homes, etc, will be the start of a happy new year for many of us.


With that said, "Happy New Year one and all!"


ps., I like the spell check on this skin, I just noticed it said 2 words found to be corrected, that's great!


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you put your thoughts so wonderfully, such a simple defination of happy new year and still sometime we focus on not so good points in our life and enjoy the happy moment we got it.


I hope and wish you great new year, and I am glad that due to this site I found great people like you on these site.




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Happy New Year Fred. and to ALL of US.


Yes it is nice to enjoy the "small" moments. We definately enjoy you here and I enjoy and appreciate how quickly and nicely you welcome the "newbies" I know you have said you are a Greeter at WalMart and you seem to be "our" Greeter here also.


Best Wishes for a Wonderful 2007

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Yea, by the time they find us here they need plenty of support and answers to questions they've been searching to find. Most of them state they are glad to have found this site.


I do my best to greet them but lately I got crazy hours and find I still need rest after a 10 hour day.

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