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Really random thoughts

Blonde Eyes


I'm finding it a bit difficult to get back to blogging after being so busy. So much has happened since my last entry it is hard to organize my thoughts into something that resembles continuity, so this will probably be very random thoughts.


I'm back at 8,500 feet high, so my doctor thought it would be a good idea to have oxygen. The huge tank was delivered a few nights ago and it has made a great difference in how I feel. In the States I felt better and had more energy. Here I suffer bad headaches and much more "brain burn." The oxygen is really helping. Yeah!


I did something really dumb a couple of days ago. I put my laptop on the nightstand and got my foot tangled in the cord. I ended up pulling the laptop off onto the floor! It broke the hard drive and nothing could be recouped from it. Not only was it money spent, but the worst part is that I lost all my pictures (I'm a picture fanatic!). I have been spending the last couple of nights backing up pictures from my camera (thankfully, I hadn't deleted them yet!) and from the other computer. It' a huge chore because I have put off doing it for far too long. I won't be making that mistake again.


Who said that bad things come in three's? The same day I broke the computer, my son and daughter-in-law lost my cell phone. That's not a huge deal, as we have insurance. Mostly the hassle in that is getting all the phone numbers put back in. Something else I need to learn to have a back up of!


The day before these two things, our washer stopped working. Well, there goes the Christmas bonus!


Thankfully, all my tests I had done in the States turned out well. I didn't have another stroke and the hole in my heart is completely closed. I am a bit anemic, so I'm taking iron pills.


The weddings were both beautiful! We enjoyed watching our boys get married and enjoyed the time spent with both of them, along with the youngest son, my family and many friends.


We are still quite exhausted from the frenzy of activity, but are slowly regaining our strength. Austin is now back in Germany, but his wife is still working on her green card, so it may be a couple of months or more before she can go back and be with him again.


Tyler and his wife are settled into their apartment and enjoyed a wonderful two weeks together. He will start graduate school in a couple of weeks and she will return to work after the first of the year.


That's about it for my first blog back. Now that I feel a bit "caught up" with my thoughts, I can concentrate on more focused blogs. :)



1 Comment

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Hi Blonde eyes:


it's nice to hear from you again, I figured you must be busy in holiday and wedding, but now that you have caught up on that, hopefully will c u blog more




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