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New Year Week



Not much going on this week. Keith is still a bit under the weather. Lost appetite and not up to moving around very much. He did however ask to go see Dreamgirls. This he enjoyed thoroughly and I believe it did him good to get out of the house. We have encountered an increasing degree of spasticity in his right arm just this week. I have found that on occaisions when Keith is very tense it becomes very difficult to accomplish good range of motion. I have him take deep breaths and try to time the movements as he inhales. Still, I am not sure why we are suddenly running into this problem. Perhaps it may relate to the fact that he is completley off of Lyrica now. We are no longer getting voluntary thumb movement. Keith is still getting many new words that he has never used before but seems unable to repeat them. The fact that he is saying new words though not repeated is a different experience itself. He has indicated that he would like to venture out on New Year Eve for awhile just to be part of the celebration. I am all for it.

Well, Happy New Year to all.


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Hope you managed to go out for New Year's celebrations. I find with looking after Ray that we get "stir crazy" very quickly if we stay home too much. It doesn't have to be more than a drive to the shops to relieve the boredom and expand our world a bit.


I am interested to see that Keith has unexplained ups and downs as all stroke survivors do. As someone else said stem cell therapy is looked on by some as the "magic pill" and yet it would seem that there is a lot of hard work required to get back to where you want to be whatever the therapy.


Good for you for being supportive and to Keith for being a "real champion". Hope the effects of the head cold disappear soon and you are able to forge ahead again.



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Thank You. Yes we did go out with 2 old friends and had a great time.

You are so right about getting out of the house. I hope you and Ray are doing well and that 2007 opens its doors wide to you with healing and prosperity. All of us have a whole new year ahead with the promise of hope.

Take Good Care and all the best in 2007

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glad you got out for New Years and real glad you are so supportive -

My stroke was in 1985 at age 39, and without my support, my recovery would not have occurred


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June, Hi I am so happy to hear you are doing well. Yes, this is of course a life changing experience. I too have learned more than I could ever have imagined. Having support and or family and friends is so very important. Thank You for writing. Ted & Keith

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