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resolution part 2

cheer mama


[]Good Morning everyone,

Thank you for all of your wonderful thoughts and messages of support. This is really a big step for me, that is why I am referring to it as my resolution. I have reached a stage where I have finally realized that I am permanently "differently abled" if not disabled. I now have a need to get out into the world and do something other than take care of myself and my family. I may not be as young as some , but I still have a lot of life to live and I need to find something to do with it. I'm tired of watching t.v.! Kudos to all of you who have returned to work and school. I would like to do those things too, but I'm still trying to figure out how. I'm grateful for any suggestions you have.

I'm sorry I was unclear in my intro when I referred to my dh I meant "dear husband" although sometimes "darn husband " might be appropriate to my mood. He'a a great caregiver, but it's a real challenge to him sometimes. I'm not always the easiest person to help. I often resent my condition and the care that it sometimes requires. I know I shouldn't take it out on him, but sometimes I just get snippy.


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