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A sun shining winter day!



It was one of those picture perfect, sun shining winter days here today. There was a little crispness to the air, bearable of course, and in the big blue skies, you could see for miles and miles. Heading out for church, I could see the snowcapped Sierras off in the distance; the mountains making beaconing calls to the myriad of skiing enthusiasts who were no doubt on the slopes, or were about to embark on a day of snowy frivolity. I chose the safer route for me, which was fellowship in a slightly warmer climate.


There is something about the winter sun that gives me that sense that everything is right with the world. The summer sun is too hot here, and mainly avoidable during the peak of the day. Then it is a time to escape it for the comforts of an air conditioned environment. The winter sun is something to be relished, for it is fleeting, as the days are shorter and the clouds soon return. In the winter, the sun brings me joy, and I don't want it to end.


So my sun shining winter day brought much sunshine to my life. May tomorrow be a day of uniqueness, much experienced by this sojourner today.




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