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100 Things



1. I Love people.

2. I look 10 years younger than I am.

3. I got carded when I was 42.

4. I'm a smart ass.

5. I'm hard headed and stubborn.

6. I care about what people think of me.

7. I wish I didn't!

8. I hitch-hiked to Oregon and back with my girlfriends in my late teens.

9. I was rebellious when I was younger.

10. I used to be terribly shy.

11. I still am in some things.

12. I used to be a tomboy.

13. Not sure if I still am.

14. When road rage people get angry or flip me off, I smile and blow them a kiss. (see #4)

15. I'm a road rage person. getting better though. no one ever blew me a kiss.

16. I'm a cancer survivor.

17. I interrupted the radiation because my husband had a stroke 3 weeks into it.

18. The cancer didn't scare me.

19. The stroke did.

20. I had my appendix out when I was 40. It was leaking.

21. It hurt.

22. I have no pets.

23. I had horses since I was 8.

24. I had to put my horse down last year. He was 37.

25. I used to show them. Western Pleasure.

26. I was a pitcher in softball in my teens.

27. I want to start playing again.

28. I had lasik surgery on my eyes last year.

29. I'm glad I did.

30. This is harder than I thought.

31. I don't like cats.

32. I'm allergic to them.

33. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters whom I love dearly.

34. My younger brother is gay.

35. I shoved a bowl of ice cream in my older brothers face one time because he dared me to.

36. I'm a giver.

37. I have a bad temper.

38. I love to shop.

39. If I could wear jeans all the time, I would.

40. I love helping people.

41. I've been with my husband over half my life.

42. I like watching the dolphins play and feed from my back porch.

43. If I could live anywhere, it would be right where I am.

44. I was born 5 miles from here.

45. Will and Grace is my favorite t.v. show.

46. I love the Austin Powers movies.

47. I'm too silly sometimes.

48. I went to the beach today.

49. I got saved when I was 31.

50. I'm going to live forever. (figure that one out!)

51. I quit high school 2 months before graduating. (see #9)

52. I got my GED when I was 30.

53. I'm a Realtor and I love it.

54. I get paid for something I love.

55. I made more money last year than I ever have in my life.

56. Taxes are due next month. uh-oh.

57. I've had the same best friend since I was 18.

58. She's not one of the ones I hitch hiked with.

59. She lives about a mile from me.

60. I'm sure after I'm done with this I will have thought of something else.

61. I wear my heart on my sleeve so to speak.

62. I have no children.

63. I wish I would have had at least one.

64. Too late now. I know why most people have kids when they are young.

65. Is this boring?

66. I wish I had a 3 bedroom condo instead of a 2 bedroom.

67. I went to New York City when I was 15.

68. I don't like to fly.

69. I'm afraid of heights.

70. I love my husband.

71. He loves me.

72. I usually get what I want. (see #5)

73. I hope these are all numbered right.

74. I smoke cigarettes.

75. I quit for 10 years, then picked it up again.

76. I swore after my husbands stroke I wouldn't smoke again. I quit for 3 months that time and then picked it up again.

77. I talk a lot.

78. I blame it on my profession.

79. I was a leader in my church.

80. I don't go anymore. It shut down 3 years ago.

81. I like people that are real.

82. I hate snobs.

83. I like to drink beer and wine.

84. I did drugs when I was younger.

85. I'm surprised I'm not dead from my antics when I was young.

86. I love the Miami dolphins.

87. They suck, I wish we could find someone like Danno.

88. I'm a football freak.

89. I drink a cup of coffee every morning. Flavored of course.

90. I like diet soda, only the light colored or flavored kind. Not Pepsi or Coke.

92. I have a clothes and shoe fetish.

93. I spend too much money.

94. I love my mother.

95. I love to body surf although I can't remember the last time I did.

96. I drive a Ford Expedition.

97. I don't care what people think about that.

98. I hate driving behind someone with a vehicle bigger than mine.

99. I love the stroke net.

100. I started this blog just so I could do the 100 things.

101. I know.....I'm twisted.




Recommended Comments

hey cindy,

i like your 100 things list!!! we have a good bit in common. i'm jealous that you went to the beach today. i was cooped up on an office all day!

there were so many things on your list we have in common it would be easier to list the things that we DIDN'T!!!!


i wish you would write a blog about your road rage. i want to see how bad yours is before i "spill my guts" about mine!!!!!





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I enjoyed reading your list. It made me laugh. I am a proud mama hen beaming at one of her chicks! Ha!


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