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January is more than half over.



Wow .. I'm not sure if it's me..... or??? Seems like the last month has gone by so quickly.


We had a very nice Christmas.. I have downsized a great deal from what I used to do. It has mad it much easier and less stressful. My daughter came and helped me with decorations and shopping.


John has been fighting a heel supr and plantar fascitis for several months. He goes to the VA for medical care.. right now we are waiting for orthotics to be made. The podiatrist recommended a "brand" of orthotics that we could buy until his are made. They seem to be helping quite a bit and I bought him some "sturdy" shoes for Christmas. I also keep a plastic bottle of water in the freezer, when he comes home and his foot hurts he rolls the bottle under his foot for awhile and it does seem to help.


We were quite a pair with both of us limping anf tryiing to stay upright in the snow and ice.....


Our winter weather has been unusual this year and I am DEFINATELY ready for sun and Spring.


We were very lucky the high winds hit mostly south of us, we lost a few trees, but no damage here. There has been a lot of damage from trees down. High winds and snow, more rain and winds and then more snow.


We were only without power for 5 hours one day and a couple hours another. Some people were without power over a week. We do have a couple generators.


We were snowed in about 4 days.... it was so beautiful to look out.. like a Christmas Card of winter wonderland. I did get some pictures........


It has warmed up the last 2 days and it has been raining, so the snow is just about gone, but the best thing the ice is gone. I have only gone out with .. someone.. it has been so hard to walk and after my fall in the first snow of November I wasn't ready to try that again.


Well I guess hibernation is over.. and did I say I really need some SUN......doesn't look like any today....


Maybe I will turn on a 100 watt light bulb and sit under it....


Well I will venture out.. and drive today since the roads are clear and we are back to rain....


Rain rain go away come back again another day.............. I really do need some sun.

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here in NJ when we woke up today there was 1 inch of snow, but since morning sun is out and everything has melted away, I kinda love first snow where it gets stucks on empty trees, it looks beautiful, but with this season I guess I need to wait little longer, since yesterday snow wasn't more enough to do those wonders, hey one more thing, I kind of see your positive attitude and seeing glass half full all the time.





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