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Catastrophic Impairment Opinion



Hello you blog friends :Clap-Hands:

(I try to read you people but the long storys are too hard for me to understand).



I received a opinion that I was in December by a few more doctors on me. I had to go through about (onerall) 2 full day of tests (very bad headaches from that). I saw a Occupational Therapist, Neurosurgeon, Psychiatrist and a Physiatrist.





"In his specific circumstances, he has clearly suffered a trauma induced brain impairment that is resulting in significant disability, including an inability to return to work. However, he clearly does retained the ability to live independant without assistance from others. Thus, his Glasgow Outcome Scale score is 4.


As he does not meet criteria for a GOS score of 3 or less, the threshold criteria are not met for subclause (e)(ii)."


If I got that, I would have had more benefits for me but now, I will lose or pay myself for my speech therapy and aphasia group. I know I can do do alot more by myself but I get very little money so I can pay for that. I don't need people cooking/vacuumming etc..I can do that by myself. They clearly see I can't work but I will not get more benefits.


I will have only about 3 months left for medical money then I on my own. This is like a two sided sword. I stopped house caregiving last year as I'm ok to do stuff now but I still need my speech/language. I hate this, I did nothing to do this. I just went to work and now i'm like this because a kid can't keep awake.


Insurance don't care about anyone but to save/make more money. My speech causes so much money but what do I do now? I approved and got money for disabilty but the insurance already took that money off me. I haven't made a raise in two years...Even my laundry went up yesterday. Do the insurance pay my raise?...NO. :Tantrum:


All i've done was try to everything by myself and try to live as much as I can. :(


Too many people out there have too much fraud and that hurts people like me who need the help. You can't win anymore. The rich get richer and the rest...ummm they don't care.




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On the good side, you tested out with the ability to live independently without assistance from others. This a huge biggie! Think what would have happened if you didn't. Celebrate that part, okay?


I sure understand you mourning the lose of speech therapies. I don't know what Don would have done without them these past 6 plus years. When the insurance company quits monkeying around with you, look into the near by colleges. Many of them have speech pathology departments that have students who work with people from the community. Here the students cost $20 an hour which is a bargain as I'm sure you know. Some will even come to hour house but it's better to go in if nothing else than the social aspect of being around others like yourself. If you can't drive, Red Cross might even be able to help you out with transportation.



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Thanks Jean


Yes, I have very happy and lucky about living alone, I do now. I am allowed to drive and i'm getting a car soon. (I need it). But that problem is the money. That's all I wanted from the insurance is to help with my speech, that it. I have a few lawyers (had to because insurance is to hard) that will go after that for my speech but how long, I don't know. I think i'll be ok in the future but the problem is now. My aphasia will be $60/month, i'll go there every Tuesdays for 4 hours. The problem is everything goes up (costs) but I still have no raise or nothing.


I still have to go through psychologist as I still have problems with the accident. I know alot of people here have alot of problems also.


Thanks for reading



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Hey Bill:


It's okay to feel bad about our situation but at the same time look at positives I know you do, bad things do happen to good people, its nobody's fault, it's lottery some of us got, though keep faith and also be sure when one door closes God opens up window, but we miss it, since we are concentrating on closed door.




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Hi Bill. like Jean said some colleges may need volunteer patients for the students in speech therapy classes.


I also just hear on the news about melodic training for therapy.. it teaches you to sing the words, because music comes from the other side of the brain.

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Forgive me if I've not caught it, or if you can't do this - but, have you applied for Social Security Disability? It sounds as though you are a perfect candidate for SSDI, and age isn't a criteria. Also, you may be eligible for Medicaid which would cover additional expenses if you qualify for it financially.


As you probably know, Social Security Disability Insurance isn't based on your income, rather it is based on your ability to work. It does take about six months to kick in after you've applied, and it takes two years from the date you've received your SSDI award for Medicare to become effective.


As I said, I'm sorry if I've missed this in your blog.



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Thanks Ann


I'm in Canada so we go through the CPP (disabilty pension). I applied and I was arroved in 6 weeks. They gave me money for the last year BUT I have to give all of it to insurance. I've been paid by insurance to a max (works out about $7/hour). The insurance pay's me the difference so I don't make any more money. Tha Canadian way for car insurance is really bad. The catastrofic would give more benefits. The only benefits I wanted was to look after my speech therapy. I am dependant, I can drive, cook etc..I just can't work.


I'm between a hard rock and another rock (sorry, I can't remember that saying).



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Bill, do you have any recourse against the person that caused your accident? Have you asked your speech therapist if there is a speech software you can try? At least that way you can work on your computer a little each day building your speech and vocabulary skills.


It is ok to get angry, sometimes fighting the system just wears you out. You should be proud of how much you are accomplishing yourself. You are doing all the right things.

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Bill, do you have any recourse against the person that caused your accident? Have you asked your speech therapist if there is a speech software you can try? At least that way you can work on your computer a little each day building your speech and vocabulary skills.


It is ok to get angry, sometimes fighting the system just wears you out. You should be proud of how much you are accomplishing yourself. You are doing all the right things.




I never hated the guy the fell alseep and hit me, I just said he has to be responsible though. I'm just getting tired of dealing with the insurance because this accident has taken it over of my life. I try to go forward until the insurance wants some more off me.


As for the speech, I do alot of computer stuff that helps me so much. I also just joined (2 weeks now) an aphasia group. I like it now. I've enjoyed beeing there even though i'm the youngest one there. They ask me if i'm a stutent :blush: . This aphasia group is what I needed (similar as the strokenet but I see the people). This group is another step for me.


thanks for reading :beer:

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I'm going through a second opinion for this again as they feal there wasn't all the information was givin. This time i'm going throug another Psychiatrist and a Physiatrist. Instead of going through another OT, i'm going through a speech language therapist (should have had that before christmas but they didn't do that).


I just saw a Psychiatrist yesterday and I was there for about 3 hours. before christmas they only saw me for 20 minutes. They feel they left too much stuff out. I want this to stop soon. I was supposed to see the Physiatrist today but I had to change it till next week as we are getting another storm (snow/frezzen rain). On monday I going to see a speech language therapist (not my therpist, another) for an assessment for about 3-5 hours.


Bill :wacko: :out_of_here:

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I got a call today and the second opinion from my side said I am catastrophic. I will get the 48 page result an dI should get it by Monday. Now it either agree mine or will want their side which meens we may have to go to a mediator. I won't know for about another month if the insurance agree or disagree because they just got my results.



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