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Wernicke's Aphasia



Wernicke's aphasia is referred to as a 'fluent aphasia'


That was a quote from Jean's "language" topic here. I've been looking and still trying to understand what has happened to me. I asked my speech therapy the other day to what type of aphasia I have. She said close to Wernicke's as i'm fairly "fluent" speech until I get tired in the brain.


This helps me now because everyone thinks i'm "normal" because i'm fluent talking. This will also allow me to help others to understand over all types of aphasia and each one is different. This is not just to help other aphasia people but more for people that don't understand.


I've also understand more of different types of aphasia the last 2 weeks as i'm in the aphasia group now. There is alont of different aphasia people there. Some can't talk at all to people like me that are "fluent" aphasia but get confused easy. The one thing that we all have the same is a language disorder (one way or another). We are all there to help each others and we all have a great time there. :chat:



Bill :hug:




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Hi Bill,


I would not have survived without my cardiac rehab group, somehow people of all walks seem to be able to provide unconscious support when faced with the same challenges. I am glad to see it works for you too.


Have you asked/suggested you bring Bud? Your Bud sounds like he would enhance your group and create a stronger bond. Ask them if you can bring him to one class and then they can decide...



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It's too bad everyone can't find an aphasia support group or go to a teaching college for therapy where you get to mingle with others with aphasia. There are so many types and degrees of aphasia but you're right---it doesn't matter what walk of life you have, what educational level or anything else---people with any kind of aphasia all support each other and are able to laugh together. I'm so happy you found a group! Don starts his classes again next Tuesday.



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Have you asked/suggested you bring Bud?





I was thinking about that. Every week we have a MP. That is a "Member Part". Each week someone different gets up and "talks" about something in your life. You get up and discuss about 5-10 minutes of whatever you want. Maybe I could do that.


That maybe something to think about. :Clap-Hands:





I also would whish that everyone could go for that. You don't feel that you are the only one. Not alot of people know about aphasia. It also helps everyone.



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I have been trying to find out which part of the brain hubby's aphasia is in too,and all I get is ask your dr. who we all know has no time for such nonsence.. I always suspected it was in that area but don't know where to look on the internet to find the right site..

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Who have you been asking? A speech therapist who works with your husband should be able to tell you by the pattern of his speech. People often have several types of aphasia but a good ST who has done testing is a better source than a doctor.



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