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Please help me understand



I have said that having a stroke is fate. I have said that where a person gets a stroke is fate. I understand that bad things happen to good people. I consider myself to be a good person but today I have to wonder why I was made a survivor. I have said that being a survivor is not free and that it is pay-back time. This pay back is in the form of helping "newbies" That said, I need help with the awful turn of events that have happened today. We know that the lightning rod symbol is the universal symbol of stroke because it happens so quickly- just like an auto accident. Today, while driving to work on a 2 lane rural road in the dark and raining quite heavily, I had an awful accident. The trooper who investigated was the same man who I had had a previos issue with. Wonder what the odds are of that? I was driving close to the center line because it was a gold reflective type (had reflectors) and the side line was a dirty white with no reflectors which then becomes a ditch not too far off the road. He said that when 2 objects hit a mark is made and that it showed my tire was over the line. The driver of the oncoming car hit me on the side and then I believe he hit the car behind me and then the next car apparently spun around because perhaps he braked and hit another car. The person who hit me took off - was a hit and run. My car crossed the road and headed for the drainage ditch and stopped just short of going in the water of the ditch- it seemed quite deep. I didn't know where I was or that allt this had happened and could see that I was "in the woods". Both air bags deployed. I was not injured (however somehow my pinkie toe on my left foot (the good one) felt like a brise or something. I son't know how that happened. When asked, I was told that one of the people got a bump on the head (and I thought- oh no) An ambulance came but I don't believe he was taken to a hospital. I was asked if I wanted to go to the hospital since I was obviously shaken up - very cold, shaking from that at times, wet etc. and very alone. Since my car traveled, I was quite a distance from the others. 4 cars were involved and 3 were towed. So, while I was not the hitter, IF I was over the line at all, I am responsible. I really do not think I was-- close to it but not about 6-8" as the trooper indicated, Of course that doesn't matter how much. The fact that the man took off doesn't help or hinder.


I know we are not to ask why? but I am. I was doing nothing wrong such as drinking or on drugs. In fact, I do not drive fior several hours after taking my meds and usually take the pill with me and take it after I arrive. I am on the patch but do not take any tranquilizers, anti depressants etc. The sad part was yesterday when I arrived for work, I was sent home because there were not enough people and I am a 3rd party worker (I don't really understand this) I asked if I should stay home tomorrow and was told, he would not know until today when people came or did not. When I called to say why I wasn't there, I found that I would have been sent home. Fate? Or just plain lousy luck? Can anyone explain this. I need a job, but this wasn't what I wanted and in fact my division had been changed to a new division when I could work at the time I wanted not at a time when the team works. Strange indeed.


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Man, Phyllis, I don't have any answers for you and I doubt there are any in the world. But I wanted to just to say that I'm sorry this happened.


I don't understand why it doesn't matter that the other car left the scene of the accident. To me, that looks like he/she felt some guilt...like they were drinking or fell asleep, wasn't legally suppose to drive, something. A person can wander over the center line for one split second and hit someone else who is wandering too close to the center line. That car had to have some part in the accident to want to run from it.


You are meant to be here and to survivor, Phyllis. This was terrible but it could have been so much worse. I would think the weather had to be big factor in everyone's reaction times, that will be taken into consideration by the law.


:friends: Jean

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Hey Phyl


Sorry that you had/have to deal with this, but luckily you are okay and didn't get hurt too bad. I would think your insurance co would be of help since they are going to have to pay if it is determined that you were 100% responsible.. negligence is sometimes portioned out in some States.


I know very little about these kind of things but logic tells me that when two objects hit one another flush then there would be some telling evidence but an object glancing off another like the car did to you, wouldn't be so conclusive.. and that it continued to hit another car directlly behind you would seem to further substanciate that it was in your lane... without good eyewitnesses these kinds of issues are always rather more dubious.


Oh before I forget, when it comes to these kinds of things..my lawyers have always told me not to talk to anyone about it and NEVER admit to anything ... even if it is video taped LOL


Hopefully your insurance will be of some help


Good Luck and keep us posted



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OHHHHH Phyllis ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) I am so glad you were not badly hurt. As Tom says do not SAY you were driving close to the line. I also agree that if he/she side swiped you and also the car behind you, he/she must have been on or over the line. Hit and run.. must be driving without a liscense, or a suspended liscense or have a warrant... or felt/knew guilt. Rain and road conditions and visibility should also be considered in the accident.


You said a couple cars were towed.. I am sure glad to hear you are not badly injured.. I am sure you will be QUITE sore and stiff for awhile.


I dont know why things happen... ~ they just do... but you are still here with us and we are grateful.


xxx's & ooo's Bonnie


Maybe you can find a job closer to home with better hours.. like at WalMart or a little store.

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Thank goodness you were not seriously injured or worse! Be sure to inform your insurance agent of your side of what occurred. Sounds to me too that the oncoming driver was guilty of something.

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I am so glad that you are okay, it could have been worse, phyllis just because driver did hit & run, that itself proves he was in fault, and since he few other cars too, I am sure you were in your lane.


I think you should find job close to your house within few mile.


I don't know answer to your why question maybe you are suppose to find job closer to your houuse.




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