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my lawsuit



well, my malpractice lawsuit started 2 wks ago. for those that dont know i am suing the hospital and er dr. that saw me the night of my stroke. the hospital is claiming the dr did not work for them, excuse me but when you go to a hospital, everyone thinks the treating dr is an employee of the hospital, unless you know they call in a specialist, well this idiot didnt work for the hospital. the er dr was an incompetant jerk and that is another story in itself so stay tuned. i didnt get to go to the hospital i requested as they were turning patients away that night. the hospital for my fellow arizonians was john c. lincoln deer valley and they did not have a stroke team, but they do now, go figure. i will post more on the dr later.


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Hi kimmie


After my car accident, they rushed me to the hospital by ambulance. While I was there, the ER doctor came in. He looked me over and asked if i'm sore. I said was but I can't see out of my left eye. He looked and said it's fine and sent me to an x-ray because my hand was broken. 4 hours later I stroked in the ER room. The reason that my left was that I couldn't see was the blood was filling up me brain through my arteries (dissection). I feel I would have stroked anyway BUT, if it was checked sooner, it may have been abit lesser. Sometimes they think when your young you are superman.


Good luck with your lawsuit. I'm near 2 years and I start the ligitation in September 2007. It takes a long time but stick to it.



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hi bill, i think some er drs, just dont care anymore, you are just a # to them. thanks for the well wishes and i wish you loads of luck on yours. kimmie

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