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the er dr.



well now i will discuss the incompetent dr. as soon as i arrived at the hospital within minutes of the stroke, the er dr spent a total of 5 minutes examining me, he suspected a stroke immediately and sent me off for a ct scan. their was another dr on duty that night that came out to talk to my husband and inform him of what was going on, my husband told that dr to give me tpa, because he had received it the year before for his heart attack and it worked, they gave him literature to read about the drug, so he knew they gave it for strokes. that dr went back and told my er dr about what my husband had requested. that dr came out being very arrogant and asked my husband how he knew about tpa, and they had to make sure i wasnt bleeding into the brain, which i wasnt. my husband was watching the clock because of the 3 hour window you have to give it. i was a perfect canidate for it. my bp was within the limits and no bleeding, they even called barrows neuro group here in phx to check with a neuro on call. since the dr they had called in wasnt there yet but was on her way. barrows told the dr to get an mra to make sure of no bleeding and then they could give the drug. the er dr kept hemming and haaing around telling my husband he was going to give it but he wanted to wait for the dr. they had called to get there before giving it but my husband kept telling him time was running out. time passed, the dr never showed up and my husband was getting very upset as time was ticking when he asked to talk to the er dr again he was told that he had gone home, he had written orders for me to go to icu and turned my care over to the dr that was on their way in. that dr never showed up until the next day. the er dr never came backout to talk to my husband and explain what he was doing, he just left me. excuse me, but i dont think that is the way you treat a patient in a life or death situation. needless to say i never got the tpa, which i truly believe would have spared me from the deficits of a stroke.

this is why my lawsuit has created.


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I hope you are able to get some resolution soon. I know how frustrating this can be waiting for all the legal stuff to drag on for years. We're going on 2.5 years and still no resolution, and dreading the thought of going to court, but will do what we have to do to make sure it doesn't happen again. Best wishes!





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Hi kimmie


The problem with this is that you have to be patient. I know about frunstarateion. I'm near 2 years and I finially go to litigation to start but that is in the end of September 2007. I will then have to wait a few more months after that then see if we go to court or settlement.


Take it easy



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