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the experts



let me say how educating this lawsuit has been. just like what ya see on tv. we have had head of the stroke center from stanford, an er dr from harvard beth israel deaconess hosp. nero-radiologists which every hosp should have to read ct scans and mri.mra for a stroke patient, we have had rehab specialists, vocational rehab. i have seen my brain explained to me in sections, damage done as it progressed after the stroke. how much damage was done etc. i never got to see the xrays or scans and have them explained to me. i had over a 2 inch clot behind my rt. eye. but some bloodwas getting through to my brain or the damage would have been worse. i was a perfect canidate for tpa, i was at the hospital within minutes after the stroke started. come to find out this dr has given tpa 10 times since it became available. but obviously he considers it extremely dangerous. but he didn't give me that choice to make, he told my husband he was going to give it but never did. next blog will be my day in court. wait til you hear whatelse i have found out nation wide.


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I have to agree that the whole process is very educational. We attended a settlement conference a week ago and I heard some things about Gary's stroke that I was never aware of before. I guess the lawyers are paid to go through the piles and piles of hospital records and review them thoroughly before proceeding on any case, so they can become the experts. We didn't reach any agreements, but the court date is still set for May.





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I hope you are able to sue the hell out of them. I had the tPa and I am really so lucky to get it They MUST start giving the clotbuster more. You go girl!



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i agree sharon, in fact my neuro that testified, said people need to be made aware of tpa and to ask for it, i am so happy you received it, obviously without any bad effects. thanks for the encouragement. kimmie

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