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Why do we run late, never early?



Have you ever wondered why we, as human beings everywhere, somehow seem to always be late getting to the place we are going? We never leave or arrive on time, We rush, we speed while driving, we just don't or won't allow ourselves enough time to be ahead of schedule. We know time waits for no one.


When we do manage to arrive early for our doctors appointments, they keep us waiting. As a rule, they are never on time with appointments either. Yet, they want to charge us for a no-show and they are still behind in schedules. In fact when we are more than 15 minutes late, they want to reschedule us.


You ever wonder why every one seem to be going so slow when we are in a hurry to reach our destinations? Being a stroke survivor has taught me to start out earlier and arrive on time or ahead of time. I realize I'm slow and need more time to prepare and reach my appointed place on time.


For instance, I set my alarm at 5am to awake, get ready and leave in time to be standing at the time clock for 7am clock-in. Every day I see the same people rushing in 15 minutes late. Three of those equal one unexcused absence. After 3 unexcused, you are out the door without unemployment benefits.


By the way, I'm only 6 minutes by car from my driveway to the parking lot but I have my scooter to unload and get inside to the time clock. I made full time earlier than usual based on my timely attendance.


Today and every Sunday, I see so many members arrive late for church services and they know without a doubt, our pastor starts "on time". He stresses that point all the time. In my case, that's a 35 minute drive from my house.


The moral of this blog and my question is I've learned to use time wisely and I bet I'm not the only one, but has it helped many other survivors in the same way? I think we'll get fewer gray hairs in the long run and less instances for car accidents too.


Now, if we could just get the doctors to be on time with our appointments we could get back home and take our naps peacefully.


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Hi Fred:


Yes, I agree with you. I'm also one who likes to be ahead of schedule. I'm not as 'handicaped' as other stroke survivors, but it does take me longer to get ready, and still arrive at my destination.


I like to arrive early so that I have time to sit and relax before my appointment / meeting / etc. I can't understand why people are in a hurry, while driving. They're at a red light, light turns green ZOOM>>>> off they go to the next light which is red so they have to wait. Makes NO sense.


There is a saying in my 'neck of the woods': "The faster I go, the behinder I get".


Doctor's offices, I hate. You arrive 10 minutes BEFORE your appointment, you wait 30 minutes, they call you back, take vital signs and say "the doctor WILL be in shortly". Yea right, wait another 30 minutes, or so, doctor comes in, spends 5 minutes, and YOU'RE DONE !!


Think about it ??




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hey Fred:


there is on time and there is Indian standard time which is always late, I used to be one of the person who always will rush to the appointment, and my hubby is polar opposite, he will wake up half hour early to be on time, we still have our conflicts due to timing issues.




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I'm with Denny. I'm always early for appointments and always have been. I'd rather be early and read in the car for 15 minutes than have a delay at the last minute or on the road and be stressed by being late.


In the pre-stroke days Don was like Fred. He was never on time because he'd get lost in conversations so often when he was out and about. Now he has no choice, he's on 'Jean time.'



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Guest lwisman


I am usually early for appointments. One reason is, if it is a meeting, it is good to get there early so you have a seat selection.


The thing about this which really bugs me are drivers who are impatient. They will whip around you and/or blow their horn. All of this to get to their destination 1 minute earlier. One minute is no big deal. I am always reminded of the fact that GMT was not established until 1914, less than a hundred years ago. Before that each location could chose their own time. For example, Brussels and Paris were 15 mins apart. When you go by horse and don't have telephones that is not a big deal. But now you can go by car in 3 hours and phone instantly. So, it does make a difference. GMT was designed to keep us sane, not to make life miserable.


Stop and smell the roses. :bouncing_off_wall: :bouncing_off_wall:

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You call it Indian time, my mother called it "black folks time," always late! She hated to be late going any place for anything at all. So, I suppose it's in my genes from her. In the military you had to be on time or early. Being late was a no-no, cause others could be killed waiting for you arriving late.


Why do we create and live our lives by that bad habit we can't seem to break??

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I have always been early or on time.. I do not like being late. My sister is the exact opposite.. she does get to work on time ... but she is always rushing and fusiing.. but family gatherings and other things she can be an hour or more late. When I lived back East I would tell her the time was one hour earlier... (lol) I used to tell her she will be late for her own funeral.

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