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well slay me a dragon



Today was not a good day, not a bad day, just a different day. I think I must have been getting complacent about going over to see Ray because today fate stepped in and I nearly didn't get there. I got half way and realised I had left the bananas at home so I stopped at a fruit stall and when I got back into the car, it wouldn't start. ARRRRGHH!


But dragonslayer number one appeared a man in overalls who asked the usual question: "You okay love?" Yes, love was fine, but the car won't start. He used up his expertise and then rang my roadside assistance service provider. Enter dragonslayer number two, a large fellow who did all the tests you do to a car that doesn't go, battery, fuel lines,fuses etc. The car obligingly turned over but would not go. Declaring it beyond his expertise he called in a tow truck. This is free because of the annual fee I pay so no worries.


I do think a tow truck is a wonderful thing, I've ridden in a few over the years and it is always a thrill. There is really something special about sitting up in the front with the car that is being rescued either up on the tray or bouncing along behind. Where are we going? Back to the company I bought it from. Dragonslayer number three is going to his bucks party on Saturday, he happily told me about his fiancee, his wedding plans, where he was going on his honeymoon. Keep the olds occupied and keep them from worrying.


I must say that my motor repairer was less than happy at having my crippled car deposited at their outlet but yes, they do hold my warranty, no they can't get to it until Monday, no they will not provide me with a courtesy car. No dragonslayers here, they probably feed them secretly at night when no-one is watching.


Enter the princess, well my daughter-in-law actually who I rang to rescue me, she phoned my son and between them they took me to Woy Woy to see Ray and home for dinner. Son no 2 brought me home. So I got to play with my grandchildren and some of the tension of the day slipped away. Alex particularly tonight seemed to delight in fascinating Granma. Certainly made at least part of the day seem okay.


While at Woy Woy I did manage to speak to the intern who is registrar for the treating doctor. Seems Ray has quite a few minor problems that they will have to try and fix before he comes home. She said some of it is due to the strokes, some of it due to diet, some of it due to age (HEY he is only 64 please!). I have asked for a family conference next week after I get the car back, I will try to get one of my sons and possibly my daughter-in-law there too as many minds together can think of more questions to ask and take in the information more thoroughly. I sometimes get sidetracked at these conferences and don't look at the "big picture".


I won't get the car back until Wednesday at the earliest so time to call in a few favours. I have had a few people ask me if there is anything they can do so, yes, they can drive me around a bit. And maybe see Ray for a while on Tuesday when I won't get there. I will see how sincere they were when offering help. I know not everyone can help at a specific time but that can be overcome sometimes.


In the meantime I will pray that whatever is wrong with the car is covered by the warranty!


PS Ray was pleased to see our son, not worried about me but glad I had brought clean pajamas.


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Guest lwisman


Hi Sue,


Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hope today is a better day. Cars can be a challenge.


I do have a suggestion about the family conference. You might write down questions you have ahead of time. If it is possible to get your family to help with this it is even better. Two or three heads are usually better then one!


Good luck to all of you. Hope Ray keeps improving.


Incidentally, I find the obsession with age by the medical community frustrating also. Also, they often believe if you have had a stroke that is obviously the reason for your problems. Grrrr.


Life goes on...

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Sorry to hear about your car problems... that is one thing I have never handled well.


Glad you got to see and play with the grandkids, they can bring about a smile, and their's not much like a hig from them.


Good thinking on the family conference..


Yes now when something isn't right.. the Dr seems to blame it on the stroke.


Take Care and hope your friends pull through for you.

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A friend took me to Woy Woy to see Ray today, he was fine. He has finished reading a book in large print I left him at the beginning of last week. I'll have to find him another. The light is not good enough for reading the books he reads here.


I think the last two days he has looked more tired than he was last week, maybe he is walking further now and that is showing. I'll ring tomorrow and find out if Friday is a suitable day for the family conference as it suits my daughter-in-law best.



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Glad you got to see Ray, and that's great he finished the book.


hopefully, he will sleep well and keep up the improveing.


Take care of yourself too. ((((((((HUGS))))))))

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