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Setting Realistic Goals



Well, I guess I am getting closer to seetting realistic goals for myslef.. LOL I have always tried to cram to many projects into one day ( even pre-stroke)


I am now a "slow" starter... and takes a bit to get motiviated, and to wake up in the morning. I used to be one to hit the floor running.. ha ha.


Now I have decided if I get more than a couple things accomplished in one day I have done REALLY WELL.


I have been grumbing and procrastinating about my closet. I started out this AM with plans of giving the kitchen a good scrub down, but after going in my closet.. decided.. today's the day.


I have 2 bags of clothes to go to GoodWill and a few things set aside for my granddaughters... I have a dresser to go through and the shoes and bottom of the closet and John's side.


He is grumbling about his too .... since I pick out most of his clothes (he hates shopping, unless it is tools or tractors... or groceries.. ) So I will be the one to get in there and weed out the ones that could use new homes.


I decided it is Cool (Spring like weather) and I better get to this chore before it gets warm out...


Hopefull in the next week, I will get the rest of it finished. My goal this year is to pick a room and try to get it better organized and get it cleaned. Taking 2 days a week out of regular household chores to work on a project or room. I take breaks, Iam only good for short periods at a time.. I am trying to stay on track and not get disctracted and start something else..



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Congrats on completing the closet. It always makes me feel really good when something gets organized. I am trying to do the same thing with my home.


Keep it up and I will be motivated to follow your lead. My memory is lacking so I really need to get organized.



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