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Getting Sick w stroke



:( I did not get my flu shot this year.... The first time in many years. I'm not sure if it would have helped this ... I have an ear infection. So I have been somewhat down a few days. My balance is off as it feels like someone has stuck something quite large in my ear. I am on antibiotics.. it is starting to get a little better. I can't hear right and am not sure how loud I am talking lol.. so John keeps saying what and I keep saying what? I think yesterday was the worst day.. I did take some cat naps with the dogs all snuggled in too. Today I did get 2 laundry baskets of laundry put away, the toilet cleaned, the fridge cleaned out and made dinner and did dishes.. oh I vacuumed a part of the house. So I feel like I at least accomplished something.


It was sunny and nice out today, i had the door open for awhile to let in some fresh air. The dogs loved it as they could go in and out as they wanted. They love to lay in the sunshine.


It is so nice to have the door open, even for a short time. I am so happy I finally got Alyese the toy fox terrier we rescued yard trained. Now she knows she will not get tied up or crated and can come and go she will sometimes not even go out when the door is open. She is a mama's girl.


Well I guess this will get me out of the dark.... moldy pages .....


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You take at easy!!! Those inner ear infections are nothing to fool around with. Man, everyone I know is talking about colds, flu, the winter blues and being sick in one way or another, me included. Let's all go to bed and get up in March. Seriously, take care of yourself Bonnie.



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I agree with Jean, take care of yourself. Ear infections are nothing to mess around with....and be sure to take ALL the antibiotics. I know...Yes, Mom LOL Seriously, hope you feel better soon.

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Thanks I am trying to be good..lol yes mom all the antibiotics, ear drops and nose spray ..... I am tired of this sea shell in my ear!! I don't know how those with tinnitus handle this...

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