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The Irony of Vengeance



I have been known to have an awful temper and to have lost impulse control and be verbally abusive, vindictive and many times an outright witch with a capitol B. But I can truely say that the times where I haven't had to do or say a thing and reap the benefits of someone getting their just desserts have been few and far between. I know the politically correct side of me is lecturing myself on how wrong it is of myself to be enjoying this whole situation so immensely. I'll explain and give the cliff notes version as follows.


My almost X spouse emotionally left me after I stroked. He moved in the new girlfriend the night I moved out, it was someone I knew and didn't like so I was doubly hurt and insulted. Anyway I found it in my heart to forgive them both and sincerely wished them well. I told the two of them that to their faces and we've had a cordial amiacable relationship since.

So the girl friend calls me up and then starts complaining about the flaws she sees in my X, she tells me that she blames me that I was married to him for more then 20 years, I should have had him trained better. Well I reminded her that that was her job now, no longer my problem......I know it is dysfunctional of her and alittle too much information to be giving me (Ya think??!!) don't give me a front row seat in your problems. Besides it is true that a X wifes revenge is letting the other woman have him. :yukyukyuk:


Maybe I am enjoying this far too much. But ya gotta love vengeance when it occurs naturally. :giggle:




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that's funny, I find it very weird of her calling you and telling her abt ur X, I loved ur response too. I just learnt new line today there are no accidents in life only destiny. that line itself can allow me to forgive everyone.






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I think people who have the attitude of "changing someone" should not be with that person. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else. Being with someone is about accepting them as they are ... they are not play dough to be stuffed into some pre-concieved mold. You figure out their "quirks" (we all have them..lol) they are either something that doesn't bother us greatly or something we can get a 'chuckle" out of. If these quirks are not something you can live with........RUN LIKE.....H ** L!


If she wants to "train' something.. maybe she should get an animal.. although I'm not sure I would want to subject an animal to her type of thinking.

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Reminds me of that old country song "If she wants a man that takes a ring off of his hand and then turns around and says that she'll be true...she deserves you!"


Good job for you for not letting her bait you and get into the situation. My mom used to say when you are kind to your enemies it is like heaping hot coals upon their heads....a slow burn!

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