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A New Day



I start a new day feeling better about the possibilities of life and the future. The arm and shoulder pain have receded. The hand grip strength has dramatically improved in all fingers. Still a long way to go, but much better. I can now make the wife wince when I grip her hand. Before all I got was a smile and "thats good dear". I can now touch all fingers with the thumb, although touching the little pinkie takes a lot of effort. Could not do that two days ago. The Saeboflex is helping. I really squeeze the balls hard now when I move them.


Did the Bowflex and bike again yesterday and the left side spacisity have improved. Definately cancelling the Botox sked for later this month. Have heard it weakens the muscles, sure don't want to do that. Speaking of the Bowflex, sorry guy and gals, but the models with perfect 6 pack abs do not come with it, even as an extra cost option.


It is fun getting up earlier now and watching the sun rise as it now marches to the North a bit more each day. We actually had rain last night, spring is soon coming, got to keep exercising so I can lift the canoe. Assuming I am successful I'll post a picture of me carrying it if I can figure out how to post it. Probably have to ask Jean how to do it, she has been very helpful guiding me thru these computer challenges.


I have a gadget I want to share with you. When I returned from the hosp I could not zip up my jacket. Just couldn't hold the left side to do the zipper. The wife sewed a loop on the bottom of the jacket near the left side of the zipper. This enabled me to put my thumb thru it and hold the jacket tight on the left side so I could zip it up alone. Still was hard, but it worked. Used it for a month or so, now I have enough grip to do it normally. The loop will stay on the jacket as a reminder of where I have come from. Effort pays off eventually. In future entries I want to talk about how to set realistic goals for yourself. More later, time to do the Sudoko puzzle for the day, then morning Saeboflex exercise, then Bowflex, etc. Did I mention breakfast and a second cup of coffee?


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I like the loop your wife sewed on your jacket to help with zipping. Great idea! Sounds like something to develop into a gadget to sell through disability catalogs. Maybe something that clips on and can be moved from garment to garment.



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Dear G3--

I love your motivation. I just want to suggest you keep an eye on the amount of weight you use in your exercising. Don't overdo it and you don't want to underdo it, either.


My dr. has slowed me down on the stuff I was doing for awhile, as I was overdoing. I am so impatient and motivated that I want to keep continuing on. I told him I really need someone to tell me what muscle groups I need to be working and how much to do. Hopefully, after I get results from my tests, I will get back into therapy again. Right now, I am just using the treadmill and I use 2# hand weights for my triceps (vanity never is far away!) :big_grin: Take Care. LK

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