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What to worry about, what not to.



I haven't forgotten what the name of this blog is, more gizmo's. gadgets, coming as soon as I get around to taking pictures of them.


Hostmel, come up here we'll fish together!


No, I don't make most of these gadgets, not smart enough to, but silly enough to buy them all.


What to worry about, what not to, how do we decide? Many years ago I heard one of those life changing stories we all sometimes hear. I heard of a study done by a major university on what we worry about and why. The results changed my life. I don't recall the exact percentages, but they were approximately what I will relate here. About 30% is in the past and beyond our control and cannot be changed. Examples: child doing something we wish they wouldn't have done, car accident yesterday, WWII, had a stroke, etc. We can learn from each of these, but cannot change any of them. Don't waste time worrying about that you cannot change.


About 30% is in the future and not in our control. Examples: boss at work may do something we don't like, child may get hurt, WWIII may start, an asteroid may hit earth, etc. Beyond my control all of these. There are people that get paid and make it their live's work to worry about these things, let them.


About 30% is in the present but we cannot control it. Examples: Todays weather, gas prices, terrorist attacks, if we'll have a stroke, etc.


Only 7% of what we worry about is actually in our control and worth worrying about!!


Since that time, I have tried to shift what is beyond my control into the 93% And focus my energy on the 7% I can actually do something about. Around our house we have the saying "move that into the 93%" when something comes up that is beyond our control. Lesley comes home and tells me of the other nurses fussing about most everything at work, we just laugh and move most of it into the 93%.


By doing this we conserve our mental energy for those things that are really important and within our control. If you find yourself worrying about something decide if is within your control to affect it. If not, move it into the 93% pronto! If it is within your control get busy and do whatever it is you can to affect the outcome to your liking. Lesley has a saying I love " just get stuck in and do it". I always try to do the most unpleasant thing first, then the easier. I'll eat the veggies first, then the meat which I enjoy more, then the dessert which I really enjoy. Same with exercise. I do the ones I like the least first, then the others. If there is a call to an insurance company you really don't want to make, just do it! You will probably just get a voice mail anyway.


The previous entries were designed to clean the mind, they are essential steps for this to work. Now we can fill it with what is important and focus our energies.


Lesley is sleeping after her night shift, will probably not blog until next week, then she will have some news I am sure. Good Luck!


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hey George:


loved your blog, going to implement that 93% in our life


thanks for great life lessons you give us.


love u(hope lesley won't mind it)(love reading your blogs)



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What a wonderful post. I'm learning, a day at a time, to take everything a day at a time. I've found that if I reach back into yesterday or begin projecting into tomorrow I return to a certain sort of insanity I really don't want or need.


I think your statistics are about right on and I'll be remembering to "move that into the 93%" much more often!


Thanks for your wisdom,

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