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Burning Bridges



Ever since I was a kid, I always burned every bridge that was in sight, I never just set a small flame to them, nah they were always glorious conflagrations. Since the stroke, I haven't changed in that aspect. True, the bridges I now burn are done with a verbal type of fuel, but I haven't yet felt the need to bite my tongue.

My latest bridge burner was regarding my childhood friend. We've been friends since 5th grade. As adults over the years I'd get a nagging feeling that we didn't have much in common anymore except the fact of the passage of years.

Well she has gotten divorced and joined the dating scene in the last year and a half. So, I became her barometer of what I thought of the newest date. I've been inundated with one sided phone calls, emails, instant message conversations. It was getting overwhelming to give her the attention she was selfishly demanding. I was getting fed up reading cheesy emails and phony repartee. So I was asked for my opinion on one guy. Now this is a person who always asked for the truth. I have no problem handing out the truth, but I don't sugar coat it at all. Well turns out she didn't want the truth, guess I was a bit harsh, my excuse is menopause. So she says one thing gets mad, I of course had to have the last word, I had to burn that bridge. I was gleefully pouring written gasoline all over it.I was freed from one sided conversations, cheesy emails and the demands of my time. Now I know that friendship is a two way street, but I was sick of her acting like we were still in high school and god forbid I had other friends then her. So I felt a great sense of satisfaction burning this latest bridge. At first I did question my motives, it bothered me the level of satisfaction I got. But I am enjoying the freedom of "Do you think he will call me?" Gee, now I am convinced the stroke was a huge motivator in teaching me what is important in my life. It is one less person who I now have to listen to them whining. Just another person who pushed me to far.



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i'm a firm believer that there are bridges that NEED to be burned, torn down, and never rebuilt. i too used to put up with whiners, but not anymore. i'm surprised i have a friend left, but they still keep "coming back" like a boomerang!!!!!!!



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Hi Pam:


I'm really sorry that you like to 'burn all your bridges behind you.' I've read most of your blogs and this is the one that I think most needs my response. (The one about God and Easter REALLY TORE ME APART, but I won't go there).


I also realize that I DON'T have the problems that MOST 'post-stroke survivors' face. HOWEVER, I think, and this is just my opinion that you might need to 'keep some bridges' just in case you might be 'put in a situation' where you might need to 'retreat.' In the same way, you 'don't want to bite the hand that feeds you.'


Yes, I've had friends that 'have turned their backs on me.' Yes, I've had people that think I was too young to have a stroke. But, by God's great and mighty love for me, I've 'learned' to 'keep my chin up, chest out, and live my life as if today might be my last. DANG, didn't mean to put that in, but hey, I AIN'T taking it out either.


I'm just saying that I am 'living' my life with the 'hand that I was dealt.' If people don't like how I react to situations, try to encourage them or try and 'walk in their shoes', the problem definitely ain't mine !!


Hopefully, I didn't 'add more fuel' to my 'burning bridge'.




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