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Thursday is my 4 hours of Freedom

Mary Jo


:Clap-Hands: I usually love Thursdays and today was good. Hanna our paid caregiver comes at 11:00 am and stays til 3:00 pm. Today I went to an AA meeting and got there about 11:20. I was able to visit with many of the people that I have come to know over the past three years. Many of the AA members at this particular meeting, go every day M-Friday, so they know each other a lot better than I do. Sometimes I am able to go twice a week. I am not a shy person by any means, but I have been rather reserved. Today felt a lot different for me. There were two women that asked me to sit with them. It felt so good. I have been asked to share many times and I always do. Today the topic at the meeting was "Emotional Sobriety."

I wasked asked to share. This is a little summary of my share. "Emotional Sobriety in my opinion, is 99% of sobriety the other 1% is actually not picking up and drinking that glass of wine. Our mind and emotions are the biggest factor. We have so much learning to do to about ourselves, our lives, our losses, our loves, our resentments and our triggers. So staying sober to me will always be knowing who I am, what I am doing and why I am doing it. You could say that it is ""Mind over Matter."" Mind, being the Emotion and Matter being the Wine." This is rather simplified because there is a lot of work that needs to be done to keep me and others like me sober. The work is simple, you reach out and help another person that walks into a meeting and wants what I have, Sobriety.


I am so grateful for Alcoholics Anonymous. I am so grateful to have this site to come too. We have many similar goals. We are here to help each other. We are here to help get through today.


Another good thing about today: I went and got a new cell phone. Now for some of you this might not sound like much, but for me it was a big deal. Bill and I always did these things together. We bought our cell phones in 2002. We signed a two year contract like everyone does. Well my phone finally quit. For two weeks I was using Bill's phone. I thought about changing my number to his phone, but I just couldn't do it. I knew that doing that would make him feel like one more thing had been taken away from. He doesn't use his phone and it would be cheaper to have only one phone on the service. But I knew it was a big thing for him. So I went to the Sprint store expecting a to find a "car dealership sales staff mentality." :im stupid: Once I was in the store I remembered when Bill & I were there and what a pleasant experience it was. I got a new phone with the same service and he still has "His Phone."


From the Sprint store to the Dress Barn. It was right next door :giggle: . I picked up a cute pair of light blue denim capris with embroidery around the scalloped hem and a cute bouse. That took me all of 15 minutes.

Next the grocery store and home by 2:55.


Tonight I fixed stuffed pork chops for dinner and peach custard pie for desert. We watched "Ugly Betty" and what a good day it was for me. Bill was very pleased with the day too.


Here it is midnight. Time to sign off.






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I am so glad that you had great thursday, from your blog I can see just 4 hours by yourself does everybody such a great deal, I never before knew value of support system till I had my stroke, though during intense weeks my family rallied for me, afterwards I am lucky to have amazing hubby and this support site.



keep on blogging, I have noticed writing it down has done me whole great deal



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Mary Jo,

So glad you had a good Thursday. You're so right, this site has so much in common with AA. Pre, I acquired a degree in Chemical Dependency Counseling. We all are in some form of recovery - pre I was in recovery from life experiences.

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