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June Newsletter almost ready




Hi all


Well today I got the final draft of the PEI Heart & Stroke newsletter for June in my email. Joan (the lady that edits the newsletter) asked me to review my experience and let her know if there are to be any last minute changes.


So that being done I emailed her back along with a couple of questions.


1) Will the newsletter be available online?


2) Where can hard copies of the newsletter be obtained?


So I will keep you posted.


One other small peice of news: I have been invited to record a two minute radio public awareness radio spot for to be aired during June being Stroke month here in PEI.


I will update you all as to how that goes as events unfold.


Smiles :)




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Gary, I have just been watching ANNE OF GREEN GABLE _ The Sequel. Was any of that filmed on PEI? I've been a fan of the Anne books since I was a little girl.


Glad you are putting your computer skills to work in a way that will be part of improving people's awareness of stroke, the symptoms and treatment especially. Maybe if there were more magazines circulating in the general community there will be less strokes in the end and more sympathy for those who have had one.


Keep on blogging.



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Hi Asha and Sue


Thanks Asha...We will see how it goes but if my experience can help one person to not have a stroke or to have a better recovery then it will be worth the effort.


I am talking to PEI H&S about sharing my experience at the fall Stroke conference but it is only just some thoughts at this point.


I will let you know how it progresses.


Thanks for your encouragement.....it is much appreciated.




Love your taste in movies, the Anne series is awsome.


I believe the one that you mentioned was actually shot in Ontario but they went to great pains to make it look like P.E.I.


There is another series that was filmed entirely on P.E.I. called Emily (similar theme to Anne) I think. The Star went to my daughters school in Charlottetown at the time when it was filmed about 10 years ago

(she actually had a private toutor during the times when they were shooting)


I will see if I can find some info on it an post it to my blog (here) for you.


Thanks as well for your kind words about sharing my experience to increase awareness on Stroke. What I have learned over the past year is helping a great deal in being able to work with the H&S foundation.


The Stroke Network in Canada is working on a National Stroke Strategy and PEI H&S Foundation is working with them to develop one for our province of P.E.I.


Thanks to both of you for all of the great work you do here at Strokenet.


Smiles :)



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