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Hi Clark,


I've been depressed to the point of trying suicide twice in my life. But that was over 38 years ago, so by now it seems like a bad dream that happened to somoene else. And I guess you could say that it did, because I'm not that young girl with no coping skills anymore. Even though I'm not totally void of experiencing deep depression, I can't begin to understand what it is like for you.


When someone is to the point where their depression is so hard to deal with that you're considering the processure you're going to do, I don't know how anyone could doubt that you suffer. We're not talking about a manicure here! I think your friends may only see what they want to see, not take your depression as seriously as they should, because they don't know how to act/help. Or else it's like describing a sunset to someone whose never seen one. i.e. How can they begin to understand? Your friends mean no harm, but the lack of understanding can sure make us feel alone in a crowd. Keep reaching out, though, okay? Keep fighting, Clark. And good luck with your date with the electricity!



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We find out who our real friends are...not the fair weather friends who depend on us to lift them out and never try to recipocate.

I'm reminded of the definition of a friend...someone who'll amplify your joys and share your burdens with you. pash.gif

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I wish I could say to you, things will get better, they always do. But in the case of depression, I am useless, it is something out of my element. But I will tell you that you are a great person to have as a supporter and a friend. As to the friends that are still in your life from pre stroke, they will never understand the path you are on now and do yourself a favor and stop expecting them to.

I am suddenly out of words


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