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It's been quite a week!



This has been a busy week. Our daughter was here for her 30 year class reunion. She brought her 6 year old son (soon to be adopted) and our 20 year old granddaughter (her neice). Brandon is very active and has some behavorial problems which can be distracting. It didn't help that the temperatures were quite hot and he couldn't play outside too much.


On the 4th, our daughter-in-law and their 2 boys (ages 8 and 5) were here. The three boys have scooters and the ramp on my deck is perfect for some fun. The Jaycees in our community sponsor a big fireworks display and we can watch it from our deck. Sharon and Tami had also bought some fireworks for the boys to shoot. It was a fun day.


Ashley, our granddaughter, is a camp counselor for the summer in the town where she lives, so she was a big help with Brandon. She is good with children.


This morning, they got up early and drove home to Kansas and Missouri. It was very sad to see Ashley leave, because she is leaving in August to go to college in Anderson, SC. That is a long way from the panhandle of Nebraska. She is going there because the school has offered her scholarships for track and academics. She is a middle distance runner and should do well for them. She is also very smart and plans to become a middle school math teacher. I am going to miss her terribly.


On Friday, I had to go to a wheelchair clinic because I told my doctor that I couldn't push myself around anymore. My right shoulder and knee are giving me lots of trouble. I told him I want a motorized wheelchair. Well. Medicare makes people jump through hoops to get anything paid for, hence the clinic. Of course, Medicare paid for everyone's time at the clinic, so the hospital gets paid.


End of story, I am getting a motorized wheelchair. I'm hoping it will be here by Thursday, my birthday.





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Congrats on getting the motorized wheelchair!!! That's Super!!! :Clap-Hands: I bet it was sad to see everyone go. Being with family is so important.

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Glad they approved you to get motorized. Did you get a lift installed in your vehicle or a ramp? I don't know if Medicare pays for lifts or ramps for the car. My scooter was by VA, they give you both.


Most car companies will allow you 1,000 toward a lift or ramp installation depending on when you bought the vehicle.

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For the time being, I am getting the new chair for use in and around the house. My right shoulder won't take much more abuse. I will use my manual for trips to the store or out to eat. Lifts and ramps are costly and Medicare and insurance won't cover eirher. I will be happy just to be able to go out on the deck where I have a ramp. From there, who knows where I'll go. Misty, my caregiver, and I have been having lots of laughs making up trips I can take. I'm not that far from the mall. Wal-Mart, however, would mean traveling on the highway and my little orange flag might not be seen. LOL


Anyway, I'm getting excited and anxious. Next time my grandsons are here with their scooters, we'll have a race. I have three of the cutest grandsons in the world. I have a picture to post as soon as Misti and I can figure out the procedure



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