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Well I have figured out the problems on my computer .. it was an update from Norton. So I have Windows Firewall on, and Nortons Off, the regular antispam and antivirus seem to be working fine.. I have also downloaded FireFox and Netscape for alternate Browsers.


I have a Dell so also ran the Dell Support (on lline program). I went to the Windows Site.. they have a free trial and a 90 day Free Trail of an online PC Clean Up tool. I think if you want the full version after 90 days it is 49.99 or something close to that. I downloaded the free trial of the clean up and other scans/tools available.. My computer seems to be running and behaving better.


Netscape Browser also has quite a few safety features.. and another very good Free program for home computers i called AVAST. AVAST is NOT compatiible with Nortons at all.. I was told colleges use Avast I have not confirmed this, but a friend that is VERY good with computers also recommends Avast.



The Windows program is called Windows Live OneCare. I think I will try it out a few more times, before I decide to purchase it.



I went to the Dr. Tuesday.. my BP was 112/60 YEAH ... I went in because my right (good) shoulder has been giving me fits.. ( not sure from the fall or???) but it was getting to the point.. of PAIN and crunching. So I am now on methylprednisolone for 6 days.. I am half way into it.. I am getting relief.. and didn't realize how swollen .. until it started going down. I generally try to avoid steroids, but it was to the point.. of I need Help. My icepack and i have become quite friendly also. I am trying to not OVER do .. but it is my dominant arm/hand.


I had rotator cuff surgery on my left shoulder about 6 or 7 yrs ago.. I had a shredded tendon from a bone spur. I am glad I had the surgery and I have good use of my arm. The surgery was NOT too bad, but PT after will "wake you right up" So I am definately with a little care ... I will not have to have surgery.. and that it is just tendonitis..


My mother in law had a cornea and lens transplant. she is seeing a little ... she can see the outline of her hand. and it is a sharper image, she can also see light. She is totally blind in her other eye. So please send a prayer and warm thoughts .. that Phylllis gets some eye sight back.. she is the best mother-in law. She has been partially blind for a long time, and the first cornea transplant failed. so she has had extremely limited sight for years.









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bonnie, sorry to hear about your shoulder, but i'm glad it is starting to feel better. take it easy for awhile and let it heal. BTW, great bp reading also. your mother in law will be in my prayers and i hope she recovers more of her sight. boy you have been busy with your computer too, i know how aggravating that can be when they don't do what we want them to do, go figure, huh. take care and get better.

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Bonnie -


Am glad to hear your shoulder is getting better - or at least some relief! And is good to hear about you mother-in-law as well :)


Hope things really get to improving for you


Sending good thoughts and wishes always,


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