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Even Chefs make Mistakes



Hi All:



I just wanted to 'share' an incident that happened to me over Thanksgiving 2004. My wife and I were invited out for Thanksgiving by good missionary friends that live in upstate New York. (YES Pam, the LAST exit in New York, BEFORE you cross the bridge into Canada.)


Well anyways, I said I would make Pumpkin Bread Pudding and Phyllis said I could make it up there. I went to the fridge, and I saw three dozen of eggs, in cartons. And, I did notice two 'loose' eggs in the door. I 'thought' I would use those first. Sooooooo I got a bowl, and I 'cracked' the first egg. The yolk went 'rolling around' in the bowl. I said "This ain't going to work." My wife and Phyl looked and then Phyl said "OH those two eggs in the door are HARD BOILED." bop.gif Oh well, got out the one carton, got out two eggs, making sure they WERE raw eggs and then proceeded to make my bread pudding.


They 'teased' me lol_2.giflol_2.giflol_2.gif ALL weekend. Then Phyl had the audacity to 'send' the other HARD BOILED egg home with us.


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Hi Pam:


The directions we were given told us to take Interstate 81 to the last exit, BEFORE we cross into Canada. The exit is called Alexandria Bay. Then we were told to take Rt. 12 east until we came to Rt. 37, which would take us into Massena. Where we visited was Massena, and we followed the highway that we could see the river and and we could see Canada on the otherside of the river. If you don't believe me, of which it sounds like you don't, I don't know how else to tell you. I guess you could drive it yourself to find out if I'm telling the truth, but I'm sure you won't, because then you would have to admit that I WAS RIGHT in the first place. I guess another way, without driving it, would be to look at a New York state map. You DO have one of those, right Pam?


With right hand on Bible, raising left hand,



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hey chefdennny,


i am SO glad to know that even chef's make mistakes!!!!! i don't feel so bad now about accidentally putting buttermilk instead of regular milk in my boston creme pie a few months ago!!!!!




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