A Week Ending in Firsts
The past week was rather uneventful, which is ok - no mishaps - I didn't stumble or break anything :BashHead: . My Cousin Darlene stopped by with Auntie on Wednesday for a bit after Auntie's doc appt. They brought us a crock pot, waffle iron, and some other odds and ends . Had a good visit. Auntie hasn't been in this part of the city for a very long time - she felt as she was in a different country. With her disability and health problems, she doesn't get out or stay out often. She was having a good day so we got to see her.
The week cruised along but ended in my "firsts". Saturday morning, my niece came to pick up Kristi. Kristi spent the night at their home. They brought her home Sunday around noon. So....I spent my first 24 hours alone in the house. Not totally alone as Crystal was here but she couldn't help me if I had a problem. Only slight problem was when I was preparing my dinner. I was going to have left-over Schwan's sweet n sour chicken with rice. As there was not much chicken left, I was going to prepare some chicken strips to add. I thought no biggie....put them on the cookie sheet and pop into the oven...easy right???? Wrong!!! One-handed I could not get the stupid bag opened (brand new re-sealable bag). Instead I ate sweet n sour rice with a few veggies that were mixed in.
Other than the dinner fiasco, the time was quiet. I cruised the internet and finished reading a book - started another. Crystal did sleep with me for a bit but didn't stay the night (thankfully - have a king size bed but she HAD to be smack up against me). When Kristi returned home, Crystal let her know she was not happy that her Sissy wasn't home with her. Even conning her with treats didn't totally make up for her absence. That continued even during Steeler game, which I'm trying to forget I watched. Crystal stayed with Mommy and didn't even go to bed with Sissy. She left after I went to sleep.
In a way I benefit when Crystal is mad at Sissy...she's more affectionate with me (think to make Kristi jealous).
Now to my other "first" - my cousin Dar and her hubby, Bryan, came late yesterday afternoon and installed 2 railings leading to the basement. For the first time I saw my basement and even sat in the family room. Wow - way cool!!! Bryan also changed the lock on the basement door as there was no key for the door (that anyone knew of anyway). So now access for me is a bit more doable. The basement door can be accessed via off street parking behind the house. I can now have easier access to getting into a car. Just the possibility of being able to get out more was enlightening. You see, mainly, other than going outside on front porch to have a smoke, I'm cooped up 24/7 here in the house . Good thing I like the house.
That's my week. Until next week....c-ya round :out_of_here:
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