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Bad times



I haven't blog'd in awhile. I've been doing to much the last few months. My mom was put in a hospice in August 1, 2007 (they gave her weeks to live) and passed away September 27. She has been fighting lung cancer the last 2 years. Within 2 weeks after that 2 friends of mine died. That was 3 in under 3 weeks. In the mean time i've had to go again neuro-pscych testing (last time was summer 2006). They are doing even more testing as the first one. I've done 8 hours over 4 assessments and I have to go another 2 more tests (minumum). I'm getting tierd about all of this. My insurance stopped paying my benefits so I had to stop speech therapy at the moment. My headaches have come back because i'm doing too much now. I'm 2.5 years now after my accident.


I hope i'll get on more now but wanted to let ya's know while i've been quiet for awhile.


I try to go forward and not to look back...................


Keep smile :)




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I'm sure dear Bud has been a comfort to you. Your Mom is at peace now and her memories will remain in your heart. Your insurance company is really putting you through the ropes. Hope all is resolved soon for you. Hang in there...and...(((HUGS))) to you and our furry friend Bud.

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So sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. It is very tough to go through so many losses in such a short period of time. You really don't have time to grieve each one separately. I went through a similar situation right before and after Gary's stroke and I learned not to ask "'what/or who next?" Keep the faith and trust that we are all here for you if you when you need us.





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sorry you have been going through rough times lately but those will pass too, and good times are just around corner keep on giving good fight, glad you have bud to share your triumph & ur grief




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Bill I'm not sure you know me but I have followed your blog and feel as though I know you. I am sure sorry to hear of your mom's passing but at least she is no longer suffering. Cancer is a hard disease to battle. I lost both my parents to it. Hope things take a up swing for you I think you really deserve it. Tell Bud hello for me and try hard to keep fighting the fight of recovery. Bill you are an inspriation to me and I respect your courage and determination. Just wanted to let you know you have had a positive effect upon my life and I remain in your cornor. Don't take so long to blog next time I worry about you when you are silent. Take care. ctaylor

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bill, i am so sorry to hear about your losses. i know how hard it is to get through this but you are a fighter and this sorrow will pass with time. they are your angels now and will be watching over you to keep you from harm. i'm sure bud is trying to comfort you during this terrible time. you have your memories to help you also. i'm sorry about all of the insurance woes on top of this. you are a fighter and will get through this. let bud help you, he loves you so much as we all do here at strokenet. take care and be well friend, god bless you.

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Bill, sorry about your bad news. They say deaths come in 3's so things will even out for you.


Aparrently Bud is still doing ok after his surgury and that's good.


It's a shame they are putting you through so much and took away your speech therapy, but it will be back when the idiots at insurance co, figure it all out. It's a shame. What do they think? That you are bored and this is a way to have some fun? Hope it straightens out sooon.


Snooty says to tell Bud she stilll loves him and sends him smooches. LOL


Take care of the two of you,



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Bill, I have been wondeering about you also, My deepest sympathy for your losses. Take time to grieve, and know the suffering is over, and your mom and friends are in a better place.They will remain with you always, in your heart and warm memories.I am so glad you have Bud and know he is a source of comfort for you in good times and bad.I'm not sure of Canadian Insurance companies and Law, but you definately can appeal their decision to cut off your therapy, get letters from your Dr's and Therapisits.Think warmly of you and If I could reach thru this computer you would definately get loads of hugs..Know we are here for you, shoulders to lean on. friends who deeply care about you.Try to take some quiet time, with some music you like and gt rid of the headaches. Warmest wishes to a Dear friend, Bonnie

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Thank you so much and thank you from the emails/PM's.


Bonnie, I have lawyers and going after the benefits. The problem is, we are going for that stuff (benefits) but I have to wait which means i'm losing my speech therapy now, not later. It actually hurts more for me to wait instead to continue speech. I'm paying other stuff out of my pocket right now but the speech is to expensive. Insurance don't care about you and only about the money.


The past was yesterday and it helps to go on but for today and future, that doesn't help.


Bud is doing great (from surgery) and looks normal now. He keeps my sanity!!! :bouncing_off_wall:



Thanks again :)

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Bill, Sorry to hear of your losses and what you are going through. So glad you got Bud right at your side. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and wish nothing but good things for you.

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I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose a parent. I hope it gives you comfort that your Mom is no longer in pain and your friends are at peace, too. They say time heals all wounds. It does dissipate a bit but I still really miss my parents.


I won't write about your insurance woes, except to write: !!!@$$$##@!!@#%$$#@@@#!!!.


I know everyday, you give Bud a big hug and tell him, "Good Dog." But would you tell him that from me, too and accompany it w/ a hug? I know he is a great dog. Take Care. LK

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